
肉身宝殿 1003次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>



祇园禅寺 1000次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>



石英伟晶岩脉 1008次播放 手机用户0686 简介>>


什么是地质公园 1156次播放 简介>>

地质公园是以具有特殊地质科学意义,稀有的自然属性、较高的美学观赏、历史、文化价值的地质遗迹和景观的完整地理区域,并融合其它自然景观与人文景观于一体。它是人们观光旅游、探险科考、度假休闲、保健疗养、文化娱乐、走进自然的科学园地,融合地质多样性、生物多样性、文化多样性、资源多样性的保护利用,是地球科学研究、普及与资源保护利用的基地,是通过新产业、新就业、新收入支持社会可持续发展的新模式。至2018年,全球已经建立了140个世界地质公园,其中中国有37个。中国已建成207个国家地质公园。   九华山地质公园于2009年建设国家地质公园,2017年被列世界地质公园候选地。

Geopark, a complete geographical area where there are some geo-heritages with special geological scientific significance, rare natural properties, higher aesthetic value, historical value and cultural value, integrated with other natural and human landscape. It is a scientific garden for sightseeing and tourism, exploration and inspection, vacation and leisure, health treatment, cultural entertainment and being closer to nature. It integrates protection and utilization of geodiversity, biodiversity, cultural diversity and resource diversity. It is also a base of geoscientific study, popularization and resource protection and utilization. Its goal is to promote sustainable development by making new industry, new employment, new income for both residents and communities. By 2018, 140 UNESCO Global Geoparks have been approved in the world, of which 37 are in China. 207 National Geoparks have opened to the public in China.Jiuhuashan Geopark was ratified as a national geopark in 2009 and became a candidate for UNESCO Global Geopark in 2017.

化城寺 1052次播放 切丝儿 简介>>

化城寺为九华山开山祖寺,创建于公元401年,是九华山寺院的“总丛林”,现为国家重点寺院,为国家文保单位。化城寺坐落在九华冰斗内,沿溪流而建,南向芙蓉岭,插霄峰雄踞于东,神光岭起伏在西,虎形诸峰环绕于北,四山环绕如莲花群峰。该寺庙为四进院落式建筑,分门厅、大雄宝殿、后进和藏经楼,总面积3500平方米。寺门前为圆形广场,广场中间有一个月牙形的放生池,连通九华街溪流。    化城寺部分辟为九华山历史文物馆,内藏各种经卷、佛具、圣旨、玉玺和书画,共一千余件,其中有不少属于稀世珍品。

Huacheng Temple

Huacheng Temple was founded in A.D. 401 and the oldest temple as a pioneer temple in Jiuhuashan. It is a national key-protected temple and cultural relic unit. It is located in Jiuhua glacial cirque and faces Furong Ridge in the south, Chaxiao Peak in the east, Shenguang Ridge in the west and Huxing Peak in the north. which seems a spectacular landscape of the lotus peaks. Huacheng temple with a total area of 3500 m2 is a courtyard architecture composed of four parts, i.e. entrance hall, Daxiong Hall, back hall, and the Sutra Depository. There is a round square in front of the temple and there is a free life pond in the middle of the square and flowing into the Jiuhua streams.

The Huacheng Temple is also the Jiuhuashan historical relic hall which owns over 1000 pieces of collections including all kinds of scriptures, Buddhist instruments, imperial edicts, imperial seals, paintings and calligraphies

九华山创建世界地质公园的目的 1134次播放 简介>>

具有1千多年世界影响的九华佛教圣地申请世界地质公园就是为了传播和实践地质公园支持社会可持续发展的理念,弘扬九华山蕴藏的地质与文化和谐的思想和技术,发现与保护独特的地球科学价值景观,创造地质与文化和谐、社区居民游客安康的模范地质公园。九华山地质公园的独特价值是:具有完整的“峰--盆”花岗岩地貌,它是展现花岗岩断块地貌的杰出范例;东亚板块内陆陆碰撞的岩浆特征的五种岩浆岩,是研究岩浆混合作用的最佳窗口,认知富流体酸性岩浆结晶构造(晶洞花岗岩)的模式地。拔地而起的山峰与丘陵、盆地地貌结构创造了形态各异的花岗岩石峰、丰富多样的生物与水资源,是九华山文明的源泉与载体。九华山是“山、水、田、林、佛”和谐的生命共同体,九华因佛教而兴,佛教因山形而立。通过地质公园,尤其是世界地质公园的创建,可以更好的发现、保护、传播九华山独特的地质遗迹景观科学知识,巩固发扬悠久的自然与文化的和谐理念,创新资源利用方式,服务社区居民福祉。“保护九华山、认识九华山、发展九华山”,落实世界地质公园目标。Jiuhuashan, the Buddhist holy land with world influence for more than one thousand years, applies for a member of UNESCO Global Geopark to propagandize and practise an idea of geopark supporting sustainable development, to carry forward thoughts of harmony between Jiuhuashan geology and its culture, to discover and protect the unique landscapes with geoscientific value, to build a model geopark where geosciences are harmonious with culture, and residents, monks and tourists.The unique significance of Jiuhuashan Geopark could be summarized as follows: (1) A complete granite geomorphologic structure of mountain-hill-basin, which is an outstanding example of a spectacular large-scale fault-block granite landform; (2) Five types of typical magmatic rocks demonstrate the crustal magmatic activities of the intercontinental collision within the East Asian plate, especially magma mingling and fluid-rich acidic magmatic crystallization (miarolitic granite). (3) The geomorphological structure composed of towering granite mountains, hills and basins has created various granite peaks, abundant biodiversity and water resources, making the Jiuhuashan a birth place and carrier of Jiuhuashan culture.Jiuhuashan is an united life community of mountain, water, field, forest and Buddha. Jiuhuashan is famous for Buddhism, and thanks to mountain shape, Buddhism stands for a long time. By building geopark, especially creating Jiuhuashan Global Geopark, Jiuhuashan Geopark discovers and protects unique geological heritages and landscapes, promotes related geological knowledge, consolidates and carries forward harmonious life between nature and culture by utilizing resources innovatively for well-being of community residents. As a clangorous slogan says, Protect Jiuhuashan, Understand Jiuhuashan, Develop Jiuhuashan. Finally, achieve the goal of being a member of UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.

花台春色 1965次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>
舒溪线路介绍 1067次播放 简介>>


Originating from the western slope of Tianhua Peak, the Shuxi Stream of 15 km in length flows across the mountain, hill and basin, and finally into Jiuhua River. The Shuxi Stream catchment is a spectacular painting of landscape consisting of peaks, steep mountains, jagged rocks, valleys, pouring waterfalls and plant vegetation. The local residents survive here generation after generation, live on the stream, praise it. Now Shuxi Stream is a stream of tourism, sightseeing and expedition.

上禅堂 1005次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>
上禅堂,位于地藏塔下,原名景德堂,始建于明代。清康熙六年(1667)由玉琳国师弟子宗衍和 重新扩建,改用今名。咸丰年间毁于兵燹。同治初年(1862)重修。 属于九华街景区。





舒溪崩塌隐患点治理 1017次播放 简介>>


In the Jiuhuashan Geopark, there are some small-sized secondary geohazards including little collapses and debris flows.    Here is a collapse control site. The collapse is caused by road construction. In order to prevent collapse, some engineering measures have been taken, such as removing loose rocks, reinforcing slopes and installing protective screening. Guangsheng Village is responsible for patrolling and monitoring the collapse here.

通慧庵 1002次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>



两期岩浆活动接触关系 1023次播放 简介>>




 The granodiorite is a plutonite resulting from the slow condensation and crystallization of magma produced inside the crust of 3000 m depth. The name of granodiorite is because of abundant black hornblende and white plagioclase. The granodiorite in Jiuhuashan was the condensed product of magma caused by the collision of the Pacific Plate with the Eurasian Plate 140 million years ago. It constitutes the main part of Qingyang rock body and can be found at the foot of the Jiuhuashan range.



Syenogranite Porphyry

 Syenogranite porphyry, a hypabyssal rock, is an igneous rock formed by condensation of magma near to the surface. It is of flesh pink color and contains porphyritic potassium feldspar crystals. The dyke was formed by magma upwelling and intruding into the granodiorite rock body 120 million years ago. It can be found mainly in the Jiaziling-Fangjiali area in Jiuhuashan Geopark.
