化城寺为九华山开山祖寺,创建于公元401年,是九华山寺院的“总丛林”,现为国家重点寺院,为国家文保单位。化城寺坐落在九华冰斗内,沿溪流而建,南向芙蓉岭,插霄峰雄踞于东,神光岭起伏在西,虎形诸峰环绕于北,四山环绕如莲花群峰。该寺庙为四进院落式建筑,分门厅、大雄宝殿、后进和藏经楼,总面积3500平方米。寺门前为圆形广场,广场中间有一个月牙形的放生池,连通九华街溪流。 化城寺部分辟为九华山历史文物馆,内藏各种经卷、佛具、圣旨、玉玺和书画,共一千余件,其中有不少属于稀世珍品。
Huacheng Temple
Huacheng Temple was founded in A.D. 401 and the oldest temple as a pioneer temple in Jiuhuashan. It is a national key-protected temple and cultural relic unit. It is located in Jiuhua glacial cirque and faces Furong Ridge in the south, Chaxiao Peak in the east, Shenguang Ridge in the west and Huxing Peak in the north. which seems a spectacular landscape of the lotus peaks. Huacheng temple with a total area of 3500 m2 is a courtyard architecture composed of four parts, i.e. entrance hall, Daxiong Hall, back hall, and the Sutra Depository. There is a round square in front of the temple and there is a free life pond in the middle of the square and flowing into the Jiuhua streams.
The Huacheng Temple is also the Jiuhuashan historical relic hall which owns over 1000 pieces of collections including all kinds of scriptures, Buddhist instruments, imperial edicts, imperial seals, paintings and calligraphies