
什么是地质公园(备用) 1020次播放 简介>>

地质公园是以具有特殊地质科学意义,稀有的自然属性、较高的美学观赏、历史、文化价值的地质遗迹和景观的完整地理区域,并融合其它自然景观与人文景观于一体。它是人们观光旅游、探险科考、度假休闲、保健疗养、文化娱乐、走进自然的科学园地,融合地质多样性、生物多样性、文化多样性、资源多样性的保护利用,是地球科学研究、普及与资源保护利用的基地,是通过新产业、新就业、新收入支持社会可持续发展的新模式。至2018年,全球已经建立了140个世界地质公园,其中中国有37个。中国已建成207个国家地质公园。   九华山地质公园于2009年建设国家地质公园,2017年被列世界地质公园候选地。

Geopark, a complete geographical area where there are some geo-heritages with special geological scientific significance, rare natural properties, higher aesthetic value, historical value and cultural value, integrated with other natural and human landscape. It is a scientific garden for sightseeing and tourism, exploration and inspection, vacation and leisure, health treatment, cultural entertainment and being closer to nature. It integrates protection and utilization of geodiversity, biodiversity, cultural diversity and resource diversity. It is also a base of geoscientific study, popularization and resource protection and utilization. Its goal is to promote sustainable development by making new industry, new employment, new income for both residents and communities. By 2018, 140 UNESCO Global Geoparks have been approved in the world, of which 37 are in China. 207 National Geoparks have opened to the public in China.Jiuhuashan Geopark was ratified as a national geopark in 2009 and became a candidate for UNESCO Global Geopark in 2017.

鸳鸯 1026次播放 费新强 简介>>
拉丁学名:Aix galericulata,属鸟类雁形目鸭科,素以“世界上最美的水禽”著称。雄性头部和身上五颜六色,两片翅膀帆羽,向上弯成扇形。雌性一身深褐色。鸳鸯食性较杂,既吃小鱼小虾和昆虫一类动物性食物,也吃稻谷、野果、草籽一类植物性食物。鸳鸯是珍稀的观赏鸟,属国家Ⅱ类保护动物,九华山大古岭和五溪河畔曾有发现。
创建地质公园的目的 1008次播放 简介>>
黑鹳 1000次播放 切丝儿 简介>>
拉丁学名:Ciconia nigra ,别称:黑老鹳、乌鹳、锅鹳 是大型涉禽,全长约1米,体重约2.5公斤,形似鹳又像鹭,嘴长而直,翼长尾短,胫腿均长。举步缓慢或单脚亭立,飞翔速度轻快。食鱼、虾、蛙、蛇、昆虫等动物,也吃水草。国家Ⅰ类保护动物。
九华山地质公园简介 1000次播放 简介>>
白鹇 1000次播放 切丝儿 简介>>
拉丁学名:Lophura nythemera ,别称:银鸡、银雉、越鸟、越禽、白雉,属鸟类鸡形目雉科,体长约1米,体重1.5公斤,翅长约26厘米,嘴峰约3.2厘米,雄性上体与两翅均白色,布满整齐的“V”状黑纹。尾羽甚长,中央尾羽纯白。羽冠及下体全部蓝黑色。食昆虫、浆果、嫩叶等。性娴静温驯。白鹇鸟栖于海拔500米以上的阔叶林、针阔叶混交林、灌木林和竹林中。既是名贵野味,也是珍贵观赏鸟,属国家Ⅰ类保护动物。
山前景区简介 1007次播放 简介>>


 The The Foothill Scenic Area of Jiuhuashan Geopark is located in Ke Village Basin, is a portal of geopark. The east of this scenic area is Jiuzi Peak and Lion Peak. From the low hills to Ke Village Basin, the Jiuhua River passes through the scenic area from south to north, with an area of 25 km2.The two functions of Shanqian Scenic Area are tourism service and resident social development. It is a scenic area integrating park management, tourist reception, leisure vacation, tourist transfer and geological culture exhibition. It has facilities such as Jiuhuashan tourist service center, Jiuhuashan Museum and so on, natural landscapes such as Shutan Reflecting the Moon, Jiuhua River, Jiuhua mountains and so on, abundant cultural landscape such as Ke Village Old Street, Jiuhuashan Center School, Jiuhuashan Buddhist College and so on.

环颈雉 1000次播放 切丝儿 简介>>
拉丁学名:Phasianus colchicus 别称:环颈雉,山鸡,野鸡,项圈野鸡 鸡形目雉科,全长约90厘米。雄鸡羽毛华丽,头顶黄色,两侧有微白眉纹,颈下有一显著的白圈。雌鸟体较小,尾亦较短。喜栖息于林中和灌丛中,有时飞至田间,觅食谷类浆果、种子及昆虫等。肉味佳美,是上乘野味;羽毛美丽,可供装饰之用。
九华街景区介绍(备用) 1000次播放 简介>>


The Jiuhua Street Scenic Area is the core area of Jiuhuashan Geopark and located in an intermountain basin composed of toruliform ponds featured with a paleo-cirque. It covers an area of about 4km2 and the average elevation is 650 m. This scenic area centers on Huacheng Temple, east to Chaxiao Peak, west to the Flesh Palace, south to Furong Peak, and north to the ticket entrance. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasty, it has been a famous spot attracting Buddhist believers, merchants, scholars and tourists. The styles and features of the Qing Dynasty can be enjoyed in old street shops, numerous temples and historic sites. Monks and residents harmoniously coexist. Buddhism, business, study and agriculture prosper together. The old stone roads go across the old streets and lanes, connect the temples, which depicts a wonderful and prosperous scene of Buddhist Country of Lotus Flowers. The Jiuhua Street is the best place for enjoying cultural attractions in Jiuhuashan.

红嘴相思鸟 1000次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>
九华街景区介绍(备用) 1021次播放 简介>>


The Jiuhua Street Scenic Area is the core area of Jiuhuashan Geopark and located in an intermountain basin composed of toruliform ponds featured with a paleo-cirque. It covers an area of about 4km2 and the average elevation is 650 m. This scenic area centers on Huacheng Temple, east to Chaxiao Peak, west to the Flesh Palace, south to Furong Peak, and north to the ticket entrance. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasty, it has been a famous spot attracting Buddhist believers, merchants, scholars and tourists. The styles and features of the Qing Dynasty can be enjoyed in old street shops, numerous temples and historic sites. Monks and residents harmoniously coexist. Buddhism, business, study and agriculture prosper together. The old stone roads go across the old streets and lanes, connect the temples, which depicts a wonderful and prosperous scene of Buddhist Country of Lotus Flowers. The Jiuhua Street is the best place for enjoying cultural attractions in Jiuhuashan.

白颈长尾雉 1002次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>