

地质公园是以具有特殊地质科学意义,稀有的自然属性、较高的美学观赏、历史、文化价值的地质遗迹和景观的完整地理区域,并融合其它自然景观与人文景观于一体。它是人们观光旅游、探险科考、度假休闲、保健疗养、文化娱乐、走进自然的科学园地,融合地质多样性、生物多样性、文化多样性、资源多样性的保护利用,是地球科学研究、普及与资源保护利用的基地,是通过新产业、新就业、新收入支持社会可持续发展的新模式。至2018年,全球已经建立了140个世界地质公园,其中中国有37个。中国已建成207个国家地质公园。   九华山地质公园于2009年建设国家地质公园,2017年被列世界地质公园候选地。

Geopark, a complete geographical area where there are some geo-heritages with special geological scientific significance, rare natural properties, higher aesthetic value, historical value and cultural value, integrated with other natural and human landscape. It is a scientific garden for sightseeing and tourism, exploration and inspection, vacation and leisure, health treatment, cultural entertainment and being closer to nature. It integrates protection and utilization of geodiversity, biodiversity, cultural diversity and resource diversity. It is also a base of geoscientific study, popularization and resource protection and utilization. Its goal is to promote sustainable development by making new industry, new employment, new income for both residents and communities. By 2018, 140 UNESCO Global Geoparks have been approved in the world, of which 37 are in China. 207 National Geoparks have opened to the public in China.Jiuhuashan Geopark was ratified as a national geopark in 2009 and became a candidate for UNESCO Global Geopark in 2017.


