

具有1千多年世界影响的九华佛教圣地申请世界地质公园就是为了传播和实践地质公园支持社会可持续发展的理念,弘扬九华山蕴藏的地质与文化和谐的思想和技术,发现与保护独特的地球科学价值景观,创造地质与文化和谐、社区居民游客安康的模范地质公园。九华山地质公园的独特价值是:具有完整的“峰--盆”花岗岩地貌,它是展现花岗岩断块地貌的杰出范例;东亚板块内陆陆碰撞的岩浆特征的五种岩浆岩,是研究岩浆混合作用的最佳窗口,认知富流体酸性岩浆结晶构造(晶洞花岗岩)的模式地。拔地而起的山峰与丘陵、盆地地貌结构创造了形态各异的花岗岩石峰、丰富多样的生物与水资源,是九华山文明的源泉与载体。九华山是“山、水、田、林、佛”和谐的生命共同体,九华因佛教而兴,佛教因山形而立。通过地质公园,尤其是世界地质公园的创建,可以更好的发现、保护、传播九华山独特的地质遗迹景观科学知识,巩固发扬悠久的自然与文化的和谐理念,创新资源利用方式,服务社区居民福祉。“保护九华山、认识九华山、发展九华山”,落实世界地质公园目标。Jiuhuashan, the Buddhist holy land with world influence for more than one thousand years, applies for a member of UNESCO Global Geopark to propagandize and practise an idea of geopark supporting sustainable development, to carry forward thoughts of harmony between Jiuhuashan geology and its culture, to discover and protect the unique landscapes with geoscientific value, to build a model geopark where geosciences are harmonious with culture, and residents, monks and tourists.The unique significance of Jiuhuashan Geopark could be summarized as follows: (1) A complete granite geomorphologic structure of mountain-hill-basin, which is an outstanding example of a spectacular large-scale fault-block granite landform; (2) Five types of typical magmatic rocks demonstrate the crustal magmatic activities of the intercontinental collision within the East Asian plate, especially magma mingling and fluid-rich acidic magmatic crystallization (miarolitic granite). (3) The geomorphological structure composed of towering granite mountains, hills and basins has created various granite peaks, abundant biodiversity and water resources, making the Jiuhuashan a birth place and carrier of Jiuhuashan culture.Jiuhuashan is an united life community of mountain, water, field, forest and Buddha. Jiuhuashan is famous for Buddhism, and thanks to mountain shape, Buddhism stands for a long time. By building geopark, especially creating Jiuhuashan Global Geopark, Jiuhuashan Geopark discovers and protects unique geological heritages and landscapes, promotes related geological knowledge, consolidates and carries forward harmonious life between nature and culture by utilizing resources innovatively for well-being of community residents. As a clangorous slogan says, Protect Jiuhuashan, Understand Jiuhuashan, Develop Jiuhuashan. Finally, achieve the goal of being a member of UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.


