
大理岩 1003次播放 简介>>


六角莲 1001次播放 费新强 简介>>
拉丁学名:Dysosma pleiantha 别称:八角金盘、山荷叶、独脚莲 多年生草本,生于海拔600~1200米山地阴湿林中。茎直立,无毛。茎生叶通常2片,对生,盾状。花期5~6月,5~1 0朵排成序形花序。浆果近球形,果期8~9月。药用功效同八角莲。
树枝石 1003次播放 简介>>


龙须草 1003次播放 费新强 简介>>
拉丁学名:Juncus effusus 别称:灯芯草,水灯花,水灯心,蔺草灯草,,野席草,马棕根 又名“衰草”、“拟金草”、“羊胡子草”。乔木科,多年生草本。九华山多处山坡均有生长。叶呈狭线形,初夏开花,花序密生淡黄褐色绒毛,2~4枚,呈指状态排列;小穗两个,并生于一节。农民常取该草编席、毯。全草还可用作造纸、人造棉、丝的原料。
九华山地质公园简介 1147次播放 简介>>


Jiuhuashan Geopark is located in Chizhou City of the southern Anhui Province of China and characteristic of the north subtropical zone. Its area is 139.7 km2 and the highest elevation is 1,344.4 m. It was ratified as a national geopark in August, 2009 and a Chinese science popularization base of land and resources in December, 2016. It is a national natural and cultural heritage site, a national park of China and one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China.Jiuhuashan is famous for Buddhism, and thanks to mountain shape, Buddhism stands for a long time. The outstanding geological significance and cultural significance are as follows: the clear, magnificent and beautiful granitic composite rock body, large-scale fault-block granitic landform and unique fluid-rich granite crystal structure, which display magmatic activities from sima melting to sial melting in deep crust caused by the collision of Eurasian plate and Pacific plate, granite fault-block landform, paleoclimatic changes and north subtropical vegetation. Jiuhuashan Geopark is well-known for the integration of granite landform and Buddhist culture, and the sustainable development concept. You can enjoy more than ten scenic areas in Jiuhuashan Geopark, such as Foothill Scenic Area (including Big Bronze Statue), Jiuhua Street Scenic Area, Tiantai Scenic Area, Huatai Scenic Area, Minyuan Scenic Area, Lianfeng Sea of Clouds Scenic Area, Jiuziyan Scenic Area, Shenlonggu Scenic Area, Ganlu Temple Scenic Area, Zhuanshen Cave Scenic Area.

木莲花 1005次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>
花台景区简介 1012次播放 简介>>



Huatai Scenic Area covers an area of about 10km2. It is famous for strange peaks and peculiar stones, sea of clouds, rimes and sea of flowers. It is one of the core scenic areas of Jiuhuashan Geopark and typical alpine tour area. The altitude of Zhongfeng (Big Huatai) is 1299 m. In 2014, Jiuhuashan Geopark has been awarded as “The Most Beautiful Geopark in China”. Huatai Scenic Area is the representative of this title, a good place for observing the “mountain-hill-basin” geomorphological structure in Jiuhuashan and understanding the granite landform and Jiuhuashan Fault, it is also a main area for displaying the ecological diversity and natural scenery of Jiuhuashan Geopark. The core tour route of Huatai Scenic Area is 2.5 km long, of which 1.3 km is a high-altitude gallery road. There are grotesque peaks, strange stones and pines along the way. This area is full of flowers in May every year.

杜鹃花 1001次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>
九华街景区介绍 1132次播放 简介>>


 The Jiuhua Street Scenic Area is the core area of Jiuhuashan Geopark and located in an intermountain basin composed of toruliform ponds featured with a paleo-cirque. It covers an area of about 4km2 and the average elevation is 650 m. This scenic area centers on Huacheng Temple, east to Chaxiao Peak, west to the Flesh Palace, south to Furong Peak, and north to the ticket entrance. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasty, it has been a famous spot attracting Buddhist believers, merchants, scholars and tourists. The styles and features of the Qing Dynasty can be enjoyed in old street shops, numerous temples and historic sites. Monks and residents harmoniously coexist. Buddhism, business, study and agriculture prosper together. The old stone roads go across the old streets and lanes, connect the temples, which depicts a wonderful and prosperous scene of Buddhist Country of Lotus Flowers. The Jiuhua Street is the best place for enjoying cultural attractions in Jiuhuashan.

四照花 1000次播放 费新强 简介>>
拉丁学名:Dendrobenthamia japonica (DC.) Fang var. chinensis (Osborn.) Fang,又名:石枣、羊梅、山荔枝。山茱萸科,乔木,高达3米以上。九华山海拔7 00以上的山坡有分布,满树皆花,花白色,似雪球嵌在绿色丛中,引人入胜。花期5~6月;9~1 0月种子成熟。
九华街周边还有哪些景区? 1081次播放 简介>>


Jiuhua Street Scenic Area is the tourist center of the Jiuhuashan Geopark. And other two scenic spots can be also visited here, namely, Tiantai Scenic Area and Minyuan Scenic Area.


Tiantai Scenic Area


Tiantai Scenic Area is the highest tourism area with an area of 8 km2 in Jiuhuashan Geopark. In this scenic area, Shiwang Peak is highest mountain with an altitude of 1344.4 m in Jiuhuashan, and the highest temple is Tiantai Temple with an altitude of 1248 m. The core exhibition area of the integration of geology, geomorphology and culture in Jiuhuashan is composed of three parts, namely, grotesquely-shaped rock group (Kwan-yin Stone, Roc hearing sutras Stone, Golden turtle facing the North Star, Candle Peak, etc.), temple group (Diaoqiao Temple, Kwan-yin Temple, Ancient Baijingtai, Dizang Temple, etc.) and cliff carving group.


Minyuan Scenic Area


Minyuan Scenic Area with an area of 6 km2 is a comprehensive tourist district where integrates natural landscapes with cultural landscapes. The idyllic scenery can be enjoyed: a fresh and beautiful countryside picture of villages, farming lands, hills, plant vegetation, quiet environment, cool four seasons, and fresh air. It is a good place for health, holiday and reading books. The attractions are Dragon Stream, peculiar stones, sea of bamboos, old phoenix pine, Huayan Cave and over 20 residential-styled nunneries.

银杏 1001次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>
银杏树别称:白果,公孙树,鸭脚树,蒲扇 中国特有种,被尊称为“植物中的大熊猫”,国家I类保护树木,九华山分布较广,树龄在100年~1200年之间。