
云豹 1000次播放 配音:脚爬客 简介>>
细叶青冈群落 1453次播放 简介>>


 Community of Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia

Community of Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia is a kind of secondary evergreen broadleaved forest which consists of key species of Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia, has other species like Pinus massoniana Lamb, Cunninghamia lanceolata Lamb.Hook and Rhododendron simsii Plancht.. The community mainly distributes around Jiuhua Street as an important ecological landscape.


Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia is a species of fagaceae, and distributes above 500m a.s.l. Its leaf shape is a long ovate and fruits are oval. As a good timber, its wood is characteristic of good elasticity and not easy to crack.

九华山植被垂直带谱 1125次播放 简介>>


The Vertical Zonal Structure of Jiuhuashan Vegetation

Jiuhuashan plant vegetation is characteristic of vertical zonal and mosaic structure: subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest, deciduous broadleaved forest and coniferous forest in order from low altitude to high altitude. Secondary broadleaved forest, pinus massoniana forest, bamboo forest and bushes are at the altitude 200m; evergreen and deciduous mixed forest and bamboo forest are at the altitude 200-700m, deciduous and evergreen broadleaved mixed forest is at the altitude 700-1000m and coniferous forest and mountain shrubs are at the altitude 1000m.

九华睡佛山景 1635次播放 简介>>


Jiuhua Sleeping Buddhist Montanic Landscape

Jiuhua sleeping Buddhist montanic landscape is one of number of granitic pictographic landscapes in Huatai scenic area. Facing up towards the sky, the sleeping Buddhist would like a nice feature of Roman nose, prominent Adam’s apple, visible eyelash, well-defined mouth and jaw, and seems a gracious supine old Buddhist.

九华山短尾猴种群 1358次播放 简介>>


Jiuhuashan Macaca arctoides Population

Macaca arctoides, also called red-faced monkey or tail-cut macaque, is a large-sized macaque and listed as a national Ⅱ-level key protected wild animal. Its name is because of that its tail length is only one tenth of body length. Macaca arctoides gregariously lives in evergreen broadleaved forest and deciduous mixed forest. There are about 100 Macaca arctoides appearing in three places in Jiuhuashan: Baisui Palace, Ganlu Temple and Tiantai scenic area.

马尾松古树群落景观 1273次播放 简介>>

马尾松(Pinus massoniana),常绿乔木,针叶2针一束,12-20厘米,因像马的尾巴,故名马尾松。九华街周边的数百棵古马尾松得益于九华山悠久的生态保护。此处马尾松林有13棵树龄超过300岁。

Pinus massoniana Community Landscape

Pinus massoniana is an evergreen tree with a bunch of two needle leaves 12-20cm long. Its name is because its leaves are like horse’s tail. Hundreds of ancient trees of Pinus massoniana around Jiuhua Street benefit from the long-term ecological protection here. There are 13 trees of Pinus massoniana of over 300 years old in them.

九华冰斗 1164次播放 简介>>


Jiuhua Cirque

The glacial cirque is an outcome of glacial erosion and appears near snow line. The Jiuhua cirque, supposed as the Quaternary glacier remains, is a semicircular depression with precipitous back wall on three sides in mountain and an entrance with a front convex rock step, and the whole shape is like spoon-shaped terrain. The Jiuhua cirques with flat interior distribute as toruliform pond valley. Buddhist temples and Huizhou-style architectures around Huacheng Temple distribute along the Jiuhua cirque valley.

花岗岩台地 1443次播放 简介>>


Granite Terrace (Chaxiao Peak Terrace)

Granite terrace is a denudated flat terrain of granite after the surrounding rocks of granite intrusive body were eroded off. As a representative, Chaxiao Peak Terrace extends more than 1000m long from south to north, and about 19m wide from east to west with Jiuhua fault canyons in both sides. The granite terrace is a favorable site for Jiuhuashan temples and many famous temples here have been built up on granite terraces, such as Baisui Palace on Chaxiao Peak Terrace, where people can view spectacular granite stones and peaks in both Tiantai and Huatai scenic spots in Jiuhuashan as well as wonderful cloud and mist landscape.

百岁宫及其建筑结构 1386次播放 简介>>


Baisui Palace and Its Architectural Structure

Baisui Palace, built in 1579 (Ming Dynasty), also called Zhaixing Temple and Wannian Temple, is listed as national key temple. Located on granite terrace of Chaxiao Peak of Jiuhuashan. Baisui Palace is a typical style of southern Anhui residential-dwelling temple with five storeys. The storeys of the main building are built up from lower place north to higher place south with main beams inlaid into hard granite. Viewing from afar, it is like a rising ancient castle. The such style of architecture is very rare in extant Chinese temples and wonderfully combined with rock and peaks.

九华山杜鹃景观 1217次播放 简介>>

杜鹃Rhododendron simsii Planch,常绿灌木,花期56月,一株花朵几十朵至上百千朵,呈冠状。九华山杜鹃品种有映山红、满山红、马银花、六月杜鹃、天目杜鹃等,杜鹃花颜色艳丽多样,有白色、粉红色、黄色、紫色、红色等。九华山杜鹃灌丛从山麓至山顶均有分布,花台、翠盖峰、独秀峰最宜观赏杜鹃景观。

 Landscape of Jiuhuashan Rhododendron simsii Planch

Rhododendron simsii Planch is evergreen shrub with two months’flower season from May to June. And each tree has dozens to hundreds of flowers forming a coronary shape. The species of R. simsii in Jiuhuashan include azalea, R. dauricum, R. ovatum, June R. and R. fortune, etc,demonstrating diverse colors: white, pink, yellow, purple and red and so on. Jiuhuashan Rhododendron bushes spread from piedmont to the mountain summit; and Huatai, Cuigai Peak and Duxiu Peak are most suitable to enjoy the Rhododendron landscape.

节理与植物生长 1162次播放 简介>>


The Joints and Plant Growth

Why can lush vegetation grow on bald precipitous granite rocks in Jiuhuashan? That thanks to the granite joint fissures which provide space for seed germination and root growth, and on the other hand, the mud and water within joint fissures provide nutrients for the growth of plants. At the same time, the growth of plants accelerates the development of fissures and weathering of rocks, and increases new space and nutrients, which are biophysical and chemical weathering.

正长花岗岩 1173次播放 简介>>



Why do some rocks in Jiuhuashan appear flesh pink? This kind of rock is syenogranite. And its flesh pink color comes from the main mineral potassium feldspar. Other main minerals are white granular transparent quartz and black biotite. The three minerals make up main part of syenogranite of 510mm mineral grain sizes.
