

马尾松(Pinus massoniana),常绿乔木,针叶2针一束,12-20厘米,因像马的尾巴,故名马尾松。九华街周边的数百棵古马尾松得益于九华山悠久的生态保护。此处马尾松林有13棵树龄超过300岁。

Pinus massoniana Community Landscape

Pinus massoniana is an evergreen tree with a bunch of two needle leaves 12-20cm long. Its name is because its leaves are like horse’s tail. Hundreds of ancient trees of Pinus massoniana around Jiuhua Street benefit from the long-term ecological protection here. There are 13 trees of Pinus massoniana of over 300 years old in them.


