
细粒正长花岗岩 1206次播放 简介>>


Fine-Grain Syenogranite

The main minerals of syenogranite are flesh pink orthoclase, white quartz and black biotite. The name granite stems from Latin granum meaning grain. Granite means that it is comprised of granular minerals. Rock minerals with different grain sizes result in different rock names. The granite of 510mm mineral grain sizes is called as coarse-grain granite, 0.33mm one called as fine-grain granite. Here, the fine-grain syenogranite in rock vein invaded into early coarse-grain syenogranite

风化壳 1097次播放 简介>>


Weathered Crust

Weathered crust is a discontinuous layer of autochthonous debris from weathered protolith. The its upper layer is earthy debris and the down one contains more and larger granular debris, and further down, debris materials are more rock fragments until to the whole rock, that is weathered crust profile. The weathered crust results from physical and chemical weathering of water, air, creatures and so on. Those 

protolith’s minerals and chemical compositions weak against the weathering, like biotite and feldspar in granite, are easily weathered and lost; while those strong against weathering, like quartz, will be residuum to being main composition of debris. The Jiuhuashan weathered crust of granite mainly consists of quartz granules and debris, which are basic substance for plant growth and water conservation.

大自然的积木游戏:花岗岩石块堆砌阵 1205次播放 简介>>


Natural Blocks Game: Granitic Blocks-piled up landscape

Why are there stacked rocks here as blocks game played by children? Being cross-incised by vertical and horizontal joints, and through differential weathering and stripping off by wind, water, ice and gravity and so on, granitic regular cubic rocks were produced and accumulated to form natural blocks game.

泥石流地质灾害知识知多少-泥石流防范 1010次播放 简介>>


台湾松群落景观 1064次播放 简介>>

九华山特有的森林景观,由原生的台湾松Pinus taiwanensis Hayata为主要树种的针叶林群落,林下有杜鹃Rhododendron simsii Planch灌丛,分布于九华山海拔900-1000米。台湾松是中国特有松属乔木树种,树形优美,生命力强,枝桠平展、粗韧。林内有野猪、白鹇、松鼠等野生动物出没。

Landscape of Pinus taiwanensis Hayata Community

As a unique forest landscape in Jiuhuashan, it is a coniferous forest community consisting of key species of protogenetic P. taiwanensis Hayata. Under its canopée is bush of Rhododendron simsii Planch. The such coniferous forest community distributes in altitude 900-1000m here. P. taiwanensis Hayata is unique Pinus arbor species in China with graceful tree form, strong vitality, spreading and tenacious branches.Wild animals like wild boars, Lophura nycthemera and squirrels appear here.

云海最佳拍摄点 1223次播放 简介>>


The Best Photography Spot for Cloud Sea

Jiuhuashan is the best place to enjoy and take photos of mountainous Cloud Sea landscape, a floating cloud layer forming under certain conditions as a special meteorological landscape below the mountain summit. When people on high spot overlooks, the boundless cloud layer is floating into green peaks and ridges, seeming that a person standing by coast view blue ocean, and it is why it is called Cloud Sea. Jiuhuashan Cloud Sea mainly happens in the sunny day right after sleet. Cloud Sea,bizarre pines and grotesque rocks enhance each other's beauty, rather spectacular and magnificent.

如意石 1202次播放 简介>>


Ruyi Rock

The granitic rock here, 2.2m high, 9m long and 2-5m wide, resembles Jade Ruyi, so it is called Ruyi Rock, which was formed through repeatedly weathering, denudation and peeling off by wind, water and ice along groups of joints in granite body.

认识台湾松 1124次播放 简介>>

台湾松Pinus taiwanensis Hayata,也称黄山松,是松科松属,乔木,中国特有树种。台湾松生长在海拔600米以上,针叶2针一束,稍硬直,长7-10厘米;喜光、深根性树种,喜凉润、耐瘠薄,但生长迟缓。台湾松生命力强,枝桠平展、粗韧,树形优美,具有很高的观赏价值。九华山的凤凰松(树龄1400年)、吉祥松、迎客松等景观树都是台湾松的精品代表。

Pinus taiwanensis Hayata

Pinus taiwanensis Hayata, also called Huangshan Pine, is Pinaceae,Pinus and arbor, unique species in China. P. taiwanensis Hayata grows above the altitude of 600m, and each bunch of leaves has two needles, slightly hard and straight, 7-10cm long. It is photophilous with deep root, and it likes cool and moist environment with poor soil tolerance, but it grows slowly. P. taiwanensis Hayata is species that has strong vitality, spreading tenacious branches, gracious tree form, and great aesthetic value. Phoenix Pine (1400 years old), Auspice Pine and Greeting Pine within Jiuhuashan are boutique representatives of P. taiwanensis Hayata.

花台四季景观 1122次播放 简介>>


Huatai Four Seasons’ Landscapes

Huatai name is because of blooming Rhododendra. In spring, birds here are twittering and flowers’ fragrance is everywhere with an exuberant appearance; in summer, cloud sea is fantastically fluctuating and magnificent; in autumn, the whole mountain is red leaves and trees are dressed in beautiful colors, in winter, comes world of ice and snow, pure and solemn.

中细粒正长花岗岩 1106次播放 简介>>


Medium-fine-grain Syenogranite

Syenogranite makes up of main body of Jiuhuashan Mt.and has main minerals of orthoclase, quartz and biotite. Orthoclase’s colour is light flesh pink. The grain size of the rock minerals here is 0.3-5mm, belonging to medium-fine-grained structure and so, it is called medium-fine-grain syenogranite.

九华山峰丘盆地貌结构观察点 1211次播放 简介>>


Jiuhuashan area was impacted by Cenozoic fault-block movement. And hanging side of Jiuhuashan reverse fault zone was uplifted to become mountain land which is Jiuhuashan large-scaled granite peaks and ridges stretching 30km long in south-and-north direction. And heading side declined to become broad and gently rolling hill and basin. Within 6 km straight distance from Tourist Service Center of Jiuhuashan Geopark to Tianhua Peak., landform changes from basin (average altitude: 30m) to hill (average altitude: 270m) and to peak (average altitude: over 1000m), namely a spectacular peak-hill-basin landscape.

为什么九华山山脉东西两坡的地貌景观不同? 1295次播放 简介>>


Why are landforms on west and east slope of Jiuhuashan Mountains different?

The landforms on east and west slope of south-north Jiuhua Large Fault are different. The west slope is precipitous,and owns spectacular landscapes like stone pillar, stone wall, isolated peak and deep cleugh as well as prominent tectonic denudation landscape. The east slope is little steep, continuous and has eroded landform. Causes of two slopes’ different topography are mainly the followings, firstly gradient, secondly structure and thirdly natural factors like sunlight and rainwater. All of these made differential erosion and produced different landscapes. 
