

杜鹃Rhododendron simsii Planch,常绿灌木,花期56月,一株花朵几十朵至上百千朵,呈冠状。九华山杜鹃品种有映山红、满山红、马银花、六月杜鹃、天目杜鹃等,杜鹃花颜色艳丽多样,有白色、粉红色、黄色、紫色、红色等。九华山杜鹃灌丛从山麓至山顶均有分布,花台、翠盖峰、独秀峰最宜观赏杜鹃景观。

 Landscape of Jiuhuashan Rhododendron simsii Planch

Rhododendron simsii Planch is evergreen shrub with two months’flower season from May to June. And each tree has dozens to hundreds of flowers forming a coronary shape. The species of R. simsii in Jiuhuashan include azalea, R. dauricum, R. ovatum, June R. and R. fortune, etc,demonstrating diverse colors: white, pink, yellow, purple and red and so on. Jiuhuashan Rhododendron bushes spread from piedmont to the mountain summit; and Huatai, Cuigai Peak and Duxiu Peak are most suitable to enjoy the Rhododendron landscape.


