

台湾松Pinus taiwanensis Hayata,也称黄山松,是松科松属,乔木,中国特有树种。台湾松生长在海拔600米以上,针叶2针一束,稍硬直,长7-10厘米;喜光、深根性树种,喜凉润、耐瘠薄,但生长迟缓。台湾松生命力强,枝桠平展、粗韧,树形优美,具有很高的观赏价值。九华山的凤凰松(树龄1400年)、吉祥松、迎客松等景观树都是台湾松的精品代表。

Pinus taiwanensis Hayata

Pinus taiwanensis Hayata, also called Huangshan Pine, is Pinaceae,Pinus and arbor, unique species in China. P. taiwanensis Hayata grows above the altitude of 600m, and each bunch of leaves has two needles, slightly hard and straight, 7-10cm long. It is photophilous with deep root, and it likes cool and moist environment with poor soil tolerance, but it grows slowly. P. taiwanensis Hayata is species that has strong vitality, spreading tenacious branches, gracious tree form, and great aesthetic value. Phoenix Pine (1400 years old), Auspice Pine and Greeting Pine within Jiuhuashan are boutique representatives of P. taiwanensis Hayata.


