It a sandstone peak wall. The forming layers come from the Devonian Yuntaiguan Formation quartz sandstone. The wall surface underwent differential weathering and is uneven with many joints and pine trees growing, as a landscape painting. It represents an early stage of the forming of the sandstone forest landscape.
The stone peak is square columnar in shape, with clear edges and corners. The surfaces of the adjacent walls are vertical to each other. The forming layers come from the Devonian Yuntaiguan Formation quartz sandstone with a pair of vertical joints faces. It represents a transitional stage of forming sandstone forest and cluster from the square hills and platforms.
It consists of 6 flat-topped sandstone columns in a line, each one of which is hundreds of meters tall. The forming layers come from the Devonian Yuntaiguan Formation quartz sandstone. It is a result of water cutting along vertical joints and the sandstone falling down along the certain directions. Flat-topping is strong evidence indicating the ancient planation surface.
The Cave is hammer-like in shape as a whole, the top is bigger, the middle and the lower are long and narrow. The Cave is about 30 m tall and 5 m deep. The top part is about 10 m wide, the middle and the lower part are about 2 m wide. When it is clear after the rain, cloud goes through the Cave. So it is called Flying Cloud Cave.
It is an isolated sandstone column, with a height of about 100 m. From the lateral view, it likes an old, stooped man wearing square scarf and long gown, carrying a basket of herbs on the back. This scene is formed by water cutting along two-way joints of sandstone column, differential weathering and sandstone falling down along the certain directions.
It is a gigantic sandstone column, of which the lower part is wider than the upper, the top is tipped. It is formed by water cutting along two-way joints of sandstone column and weathering the edges and corners of the column.
杨家界景区位于张家界西北部,东连袁家界,北邻天子山,横贯武陵源区西端的中湖乡,有香芷溪、龙泉峡和百猴谷三个游览区,总面积三十四平方公里,其中精华景观有一步登天、空中走廊、龙泉飞瀑等二百余处。Yangjiajie Scenic Area , located at the northwest of Zhangjiajie, is adjacent to Yuanjiajie in the east and the Tianzi Mountain in the north, and spans the Zhonghu Township in the west of Wulingyuan District. It is composed of three tour areas, i.e. Xiangzhi Brook, Longquan Valley and Monkey Valley, and covers an area of 34km2 with more than 200 landscapes including the One Step to Heaven, the Air Corridor, the Longquan Waterfall and etc.
杨家界景区地势险要,境内奇峰千座,尤以全球罕见的峰墙群最为壮观,具有极高的科学价值、生态价值和美学价值;景区内动植物资源丰富,悬崖沟谷中随处可见猕猴攀援,白鹭齐飞,崇山峻岭中遍布奇异的五色花、大王藤。Yangjiajie situates at a steep terrain, and boasts almost a thousand spectacular peaks, especially the globally rare peak dykes, so Yangjiajie is of extremely high scientific, ecological and aesthetic value. The area has abundant fauna and flora resources, and tourists can see monkeys climbing, egrets soaring into the sky, as well as colorful flowers and precipice vines everywhere in the mountains and valleys.
相传,北宋杨家将围剿向王天子曾在天子山安营扎寨。后因战争旷日持久,杨家便在此地繁衍后代,形成了“杨家界”。 如今,杨家界还保存有《杨氏族谱》和明清时代的杨家祖墓,亦有“六郎湾”、“七郎湾”、“宗保湾”、“天波府”等地名。According to the local legend, the generals of the Yang family set camps in Tianzi Mountain area, and some descendents of the family settled down here, forming Yangjiajie (territory of the Yang family). Now Yangjiajie still preserves the pedigree and ancestral tombs of the Yang family, and many places are named after the family.
为下粗上细,横截面近方形的砂岩孤峰,是由于流水侵蚀下切及重力崩塌作用而形成,属砂岩峰林地貌的晚期形态,远观宛若一只引颈昂首、振翅啼叫的雄鸡,故称“金鸡报晓”。This isolated sandstone peak with thicker lower part, thinner upper part and near-square cross section was formed under the effect of water erosion and gravitational collapse, belonging to the old age of sandstone peak forest landform. Seen from afar it resembles a rooster announcing the arrival of the dawn.
为四周陡峭、顶面平缓的砂岩方山平台,是由于流水沿节理、裂隙切割、崩塌分离而形成。此寨地势险要,须经一平台和三道卡门方能到达寨顶。经过第一道卡门后有一巷谷,两壁近于直立,宽度比线谷宽。该巷谷走向近南北,长30 m,高20 m,宽1.5 m,是流水沿节理裂隙侵蚀、崩塌形成的,起初为线谷,线谷逐渐拓宽形成巷谷。到达寨顶,可观四面砂岩峰林美景。
It is a sandstone square hill platform with steep edges and nearly flat top. It is a result of water cutting along vertical joints and the sandstone falling down along the certain directions. The platform is strategically situated and difficult of access. The arrival of the top includes going through a platform and three gates. Standing on the top of the platform, one can view beautiful sandstone scenes from four directions.
为两壁近于直立狭窄的线状峡谷,走向近南北,长60 m,高20 m,宽0.5 m。此谷是由石英砂岩岩层经构造运动受力形成的高角度节理在流水的冲刷、掏蚀及重力崩塌作用下逐渐拓宽形成的,属峡谷形成的最初阶段。
It is a very narrow valley formed by two stone walls that are nearly vertical. The valley extends in north-south direction, 60 m long, 20 m tall and 0.5 m wide. It is a result of water cutting along large-angled joints of the sandstone and the collapse of sandstone by gravity. It represents the early stage of the forming of the valley.
It is scenery of wall-like sandstone landscape. Totally more than 20 peak walls, with lengths of 60 - 300 m, heights of 80 - 300 m and widths of 0.5 – 5 m. Peak walls are interlaced, towered and very spectacular. It is a result of the crust uplifting, water cutting along joints and the sandstone falling down along the certain directions.
It is an isolated sandstone column on the top of Middle Mountain that is 1130 m tall. The column has two steep lateral walls and a flat top. The column appears to extend into the sky, so it is called “Reaching the sky in a single bound”. Standing on the top of the Mountain, one can get the full view of Yangjiajie. It is a result of the water cutting along northeast and east joints and the sandstone falling down along the certain directions.