
褶皱 1034次播放 简介>>


A fold is a series of undulating bending deformation in stratums due stress, causing the formerly smooth surface of the rock to hook face. This fold is bent downwards containing fault.

泉(长寿泉) 3336次播放 简介>>


This spring is a natural outlet of the underground water that contains abundant mineral substances. The local people believe that drinking the spring water can prolong life. The rippling spring water breathes in and out the beauty of the universe, interprets the meaning of life, tirelessly telling the miracles of nature.

砂岩峰林地貌(仙女献花) 13967次播放 简介>>

张家界地貌是以侵蚀构造为主导作用,由石英砂岩形成的砂岩峰林地貌。3亿多年前湘西北大面积海相沉积砂岩,经造山运动形成总厚度达500余米的石英砂岩,经过漫长的流水切割、差异风化、重力崩塌等外营力作用,便形成了现在所看到的峰林峡谷。Zhangjiajie Landform is a peak forest landform formed by quartz sandstone under the effect of erosion. Over 300 million years ago a large area of marine deposit was formed in the northwest Hunan area. After orogenic movement a set of quartz sandstone strata with a total thickness of more than 500m was formed. Long-term act of exogenic processes such as water cutting, differential weathering and gravitational collapse shaped the valley with peak forest.

远处的石峰与植被的完美结合形似一女子手捧鲜花,随着四季变化花色多样,称仙女献花”The perfect combination of the stone peak and the vegetation on it resembles a girl holding a bouquet, of which the color changes with the season.

砂岩峰林(武士训马) 6522次播放 简介>>

地壳运动使张家界区域以整体间歇性抬升为主,泥盆系石英砂岩上的盖层岩石被剥蚀掉,流水沿几组相互交错的节理下切,原来面积为近百平方公里的巨大砂岩块被分割,形成方山、岩峰、岩柱,峰林,此处景色尤为壮观,称为武士训马The Zhangjiajie area was lifted up intermittently by crustal movements, and the cap strata over the Devonian quartz sandstone was eroded off. Flowing water cut down along some interlaced joints, splitting the giant rock block, whose area was nearly 100km2, into mesas, rock peaks, stone pillars and stone forest. The magnificent landscape here is called the Warrior Training Horses.

砂岩峰林(神兵聚会) 4257次播放 简介>>

 原来大面积的夷平面经过上亿年的雨水冲刷、侵蚀及地壳抬升,周围的岩石崩落形成眼前石柱、峰林,此处峰林如同天降人间的神兵,器宇轩昂、威风凛凛,故称神兵聚会Here was a large planation surface. After water scouring, erosion and crustal uplift for hundreds of millions of years, some rock masses collapsed, and the remaining parts form the stone pillars and the peak forest. Like soldiers standing in line, the peak forest here is named the Troops from the Heaven.

石柱(乾坤柱) 7151次播放 简介>>

张家界三千奇峰中的一座,海拔高度1074米,垂直高度约150米,顶部植被郁郁葱葱,峰体造型奇特,垂直节理切割明显,仿若刀劈斧削般巍巍屹立于张家界,有顶天立地之势,故名乾坤柱This stone pillar is one of Zhangjiajie’s “3,000 Amazing Peaks”. Its vertical height is 150m and the elevation of the top is 1,074m above sea level. The peak is of unique shape with flourishing vegetation on the top and clear characteristics of cutting by vertical joints, like a strut supporting the sky.

砂岩峰墙(石长城) 4535次播放 简介>>

随着水的侵蚀作用加剧,岩石内发育规模较大的一组节理逐渐形成沟溪,两侧岩石陡峭,侧看为峰,正看如墙,故称之为峰墙。此处是许多峰墙排列在一起,宛如长城,故名为天然长城As water erosion intensified, a major joint developed in the rock and gradually formed a gully. The steep rocks on both sides of the gully looks like a dyke, so the landform is called a peak dyke. Here many peak dykes stand together composing a long wall, so the landscape here is named the Natural Great Wall.

石柱(五郎拜佛) 2801次播放 简介>>

张家界地貌是砂岩地貌的一种独特类型,它是由石英砂岩为成景母岩,以流水侵蚀、重力崩塌、风化等作用力形成的以棱角平直的、高大石柱林为主的地貌景观,两大峰柱中间的小石柱似五郎拜佛Zhangjiajie Landform is a unique sandstone landform, characterized by tall stone pillars with flat faces and near-right angles formed by quartz sandstone under the effect of processes including water erosion, collapse and weathering, etc. The smaller stone pillar and the bigger one next to it resemble a man praying to the Buddha.

砂岩峰林(神鸡啄食) 1774次播放 简介>>

砂岩经过漫长的流水切割、差异风化、重力崩塌等外营力作用,便形成了现在所看到的峰林峡谷,峡谷中两座峰柱一前一后,底座相连,犹如一只神鸡在啄石。The sandstone went through long-term act of exogenic processes such as water cutting, differential weathering and gravitational collapse and formed the valley with peak forest. The two stone pillars, whose bases are connected, resemble a pecking rooster.

神堂湾峡谷、夷平面 3090次播放 简介>>

峡谷:是深度大于宽度谷坡陡峻的谷地。一般发育在构造运动抬升和谷坡由坚硬岩石组成的地段。神堂湾峡谷是石英砂岩经过漫长的流水切割、差异风化、重力崩塌等外营力作用,形成的峰林峡谷。Gorge: A gorge is a valley with steep slopes, and its depth is bigger than its width. It is generally developed in areas uplifted by tectonic movements with hard rock slopes. Shentangwan Gorge was formed by quartz sandstone under the act of long-term exogenic processes such as water cutting, differential weathering and gravitational collapse.

夷平面:是指各种夷平作用形成的陆地平面。夷平作用是外营力作用于起伏的地表,使其削高填洼逐渐变为平面的作用。张家界地区存在一级夷平面和一级剥夷面,夷平面高程为11001300m,表现为一系列波状起伏的峰顶和宽缓的谷底形成的平缓夷平面。夷平面下部保存完整的砂岩平台,组成高程为800950m剥夷面。Planation surface: It refers to a land surface formed by planation. Planation is the process that exogenic forces work on waved land surface by cutting down the higher parts and filling up the lower parts, and gradually form a plane surface. There is one planation surface and one denudation-planation surface. The planation surface, with an elevation of 1,1001,300m, consisting of a series of waved peaks and gentle valleys. Beneath the planation surface well-preserved sandstone platforms compose the denudation-planation surface with an elevation of 800950m.

黄石寨 6216次播放 简介>>


Yellow Stone Village is famous by its power. It is an irregular platform as a whole, with an average height of 1100 m and top area of 0.2 hm2. Yellow Stone Village has steep edges and flat top surface in landscape, representing the early stage of forming of sandstone forest landscape. It is a result of water cutting along joints and the sandstone falling down along the certain directions. Along the ring circling the Yellow Stone Village are the sandstone forest with a variety of shapes and the vast sea of clouds with unceasing changes, making Yellow Stone Village one of the best scenes in the Geopark. There is a saying as without visiting Yellow Stone Village is in vain to visit Zhangjiajie.

砂岩平台 3485次播放 简介>>


The peak with steep landform, flat crest and large area, is called square platform. The shape that likes a strip called dike, the small size called platform.
