由于地表水沿成岩孔隙、构造节理扩大溶蚀形成。它可以分散成单个出现,也可以由许多溶孔组合成蜂巢状。该处溶孔为单个出现,溶孔不断被侵蚀由小变大,最终形成溶洞。A dissolution pore is formed by surface water eroding along and eapanding a diagenetic hole or a tectonic joint. Dissolution pores may appear individually, or many dissolution pores appear together forming a honeycomb structure. This single dissolution is eroded continuously and becomes bigger and bigger and may finally become a cave.
瀑布是水流流过悬崖式河床、溪谷发生倾泻现象。此处瀑布是灰岩中地下水在出口处从悬崖向下倾泻而成,由于水量小,形成线状的珠帘式瀑布。A waterfall is a place where water from a river or stream falls down over a cliff or rock. The underground water flows out from an outlet in the limestone and falls down over the cliff, forming this waterfall. This waterfall is like a bead curtain because the water yield is small.
在软硬相间的层状岩石中,由于抗风化能力的不同,易遭风化的岩石风化速度快,形成凹凸不平的槽穴,抗风化能力强的岩石凸出在外。In the stratified rock consisting of softer layers and harder layers, because of different weathering resistance, the softer layers are weathered more easily and quickly, forming a uneven groove, while harder layers protrudes from the surface.
此处为武陵源著名观景台,台分三级,凌空而观,谷间群峰竟立,数十余座似四十八将军校场阅兵点将场面,谷底悠悠,鸟鸣如歌,蝉奏如琴,交响成曲,声扬空谷,晴初日出,岩石生辉,雨后雷佘,雾起风浮。Here is a famous viewing platform of Wulingyuan. Seen from the platform the peaks in the valley resemble the troops to be reviewed by the commander. Birds and cicadas sing in the valley, composing a symphony. When the sun comes out after rain the rocks shines in sunlight and fog raise from the valley, forming a beautiful landscape painting.