

为两壁近于直立狭窄的线状峡谷,走向近南北,长60 m,高20 m,宽0.5 m。此谷是由石英砂岩岩层经构造运动受力形成的高角度节理在流水的冲刷、掏蚀及重力崩塌作用下逐渐拓宽形成的,属峡谷形成的最初阶段。

It is a very narrow valley formed by two stone walls that are nearly vertical. The valley extends in north-south direction, 60 m long, 20 m tall and 0.5 m wide. It is a result of water cutting along large-angled joints of the sandstone and the collapse of sandstone by gravity. It represents the early stage of the forming of the valley.


