

杨家界景区位于张家界西北部,东连袁家界,北邻天子山,横贯武陵源区西端的中湖乡,有香芷溪、龙泉峡和百猴谷三个游览区,总面积三十四平方公里,其中精华景观有一步登天、空中走廊、龙泉飞瀑等二百余处。Yangjiajie Scenic Area , located at the northwest of Zhangjiajie, is adjacent to Yuanjiajie in the east and the Tianzi Mountain in the north, and spans the Zhonghu Township in the west of Wulingyuan District. It is composed of three tour areas, i.e. Xiangzhi Brook, Longquan Valley and Monkey Valley, and covers an area of 34km2 with more than 200 landscapes including the One Step to Heaven, the Air Corridor, the Longquan Waterfall and etc.

杨家界景区地势险要,境内奇峰千座,尤以全球罕见的峰墙群最为壮观,具有极高的科学价值、生态价值和美学价值;景区内动植物资源丰富,悬崖沟谷中随处可见猕猴攀援,白鹭齐飞,崇山峻岭中遍布奇异的五色花、大王藤。Yangjiajie situates at a steep terrain, and boasts almost a thousand spectacular peaks, especially the globally rare peak dykes, so Yangjiajie is of extremely high scientific, ecological and aesthetic value. The area has abundant fauna and flora resources, and tourists can see monkeys climbing, egrets soaring into the sky, as well as colorful flowers and precipice vines everywhere in the mountains and valleys.

相传,北宋杨家将围剿向王天子曾在天子山安营扎寨。后因战争旷日持久,杨家便在此地繁衍后代,形成了杨家界 如今,杨家界还保存有《杨氏族谱》和明清时代的杨家祖墓,亦有六郎湾七郎湾宗保湾天波府等地名。According to the local legend, the generals of the Yang family set camps in Tianzi Mountain area, and some descendents of the family settled down here, forming Yangjiajie (territory of the Yang family). Now Yangjiajie still preserves the pedigree and ancestral tombs of the Yang family, and many places are named after the family.


