
空中走廊 1016次播放 简介>>


It is a steep cliff, with the height over 200 m. The stone wall extends north-east and is a result of the water cutting along northeast and east joints and the sandstone falling down along the certain directions. Fractures on the stone wall form a natural path that is 300 m long, 1 m wide, being fitful just for one pedestrian. Walking on the stone wall likes stepping in the air. The scene is therefor named as Corridor in The Cliffs.

砂岩石柱群(御笔峰) 19201次播放 简介>>

 为砂岩峰林地貌,经过漫长沉积胶结的岩体因地壳抬升运动形成丘陵山地,风化、侵蚀等外力作用使原来完整的砂岩山地被切割成参差并列的石峰。峰顶长有松树,似几枝倒插的毛笔,相传是向王天子兵败时丢弃的御笔所化成的山峰,故名御笔峰This landscape belongs to the sandstone peak forest landform. Crustal uplift changed the sedimentary rock stratum into a hilly and mountainous area, then the sandstone was carved by exogenic processes like weathering and erosion into ragged rock pillars. With the pine trees on the top, the pillars look like some writing brushes.

差异风化 1948次播放 简介>>

又称选择风化,是由于组成岩石的矿物成分、结构构造差异,导致风化、剥蚀程度不同的岩石表面出现凹凸不平的现象。差异风化是砂岩峰林地貌形成的重要条件。Differential weathering, also called selected weathering, refers to the phenomenon that different weathering extents resulted by compositional and structural differences of the rock causes uneven surface of the rock. Differential weathering is an important condition for the formation of the sandstone peak forest landform.

云台观组 1704次播放 简介>>

为典型的滨海陆源碎屑沉积,岩性以灰白、肉红或紫红色中、厚层石英砂岩为主,夹粉砂岩和砂质页岩,产植物化石。底部以浅灰、灰白色石英砂岩与下伏小溪峪组的黄绿、黄灰色含较多的管状体砂岩、粉砂岩分界,岩石厚509.19mThe formation is a typical set of coastal terrigenous detrital sedimentary rock strata. The strata is mainly composed of grayish white, pinkish red and purple red medium- and thick-bedded quartz sandstone, with interlayers of siltstone and sandy shale, containing phytolite (plant fossil). The bottom boundary is between the light grey and grayish white quarts sandstone and the yellowish green and yellowish grey sandstone and siltstone containing tubular structures of the underlying Xiaoxiyu Formation. The thickness of the formation is 509.19m.

穿洞(南天门) 1847次播放 简介>>

是由石英砂岩构成的拱形门洞,在高达数十米、宽近百米,厚约8米的岩墙之中,有一宽16米,高约10米的天然石门横亘于登山道上,似鬼斧神工所凿。流水沿垂直节理裂隙侵蚀形成石墙,石墙中下部岩层厚度较薄,上部岩层厚度大且岩性较坚硬。由于外力因素作用,最初在石墙下部形成小型穿洞,后经风化、侵蚀和崩塌的改造,穿洞不断扩大而形成。In this quartz sandstone dyke which is tens of meters tall, almost a hundred meters wide and about 8m thick, there is a 16m wide and 10m tall natural arch cave. Water erosion along vertical joints formed a rock dyke, of which the middle and lower part was thinner and the upper part was thicker and harder. Exogenic forces caused a small hole in the lower part of the dyke, the weathering, erosion and collapse continuously expanded the hole and formed this arch cave.

垂直节理 1309次播放 简介>>

是岩石中产状近直立的裂缝,由于风化、流水侵蚀等外力作用使完整的岩石被切割成彼此分离的破壁面。垂直节理发育是张家界岩石峰林形成的重要前提条件。Vertical joints are near-vertical fissures in the rock. Exogenic processes like weathering and water erosion cut the rock into separated parts. Developed vertical joints is an important precondition for the formation of the peak forest landform in Zhangjiajie.

崖壁(回音壁) 1390次播放 简介>>

为两块正面平整、略呈弧形的石屏,傲然屹立于天地,至身其中,宛若传递声波的镜子,声音一出,空谷悠扬,清晰透亮。This landscape consists of two cliffs with slightly cambered flat faces. Sound made here echoes back loud and clear thus here is named the Echo Walls.

层理 1310次播放 简介>>

是岩层中物质成分、颗粒大小、形状及颜色在垂直方向发生改变时所显示的成层现象的纹理,通过其特征可以判别、推测岩体的沉积成岩环境。Stratification refers to the phenomenon that changes of material composition, particle size, particle shape and color in vertical direction in the rock layers cause layered texture. According to its characteristics the sedimentary and diagenetic environment of the rock can be judged or speculated.

叠水 1361次播放 简介>>

是由于地壳抬升运动,岩体节理裂隙发育,河流强烈下蚀而形成的阶梯状水流,清脆悦耳,晶莹灼烁,跌宕多姿,尽显水的坠落之美。Water Cascades is a series of stair-stepping small waterfalls caused by intense downward erosion by flowing water along developed joints and fissures in the rock resulted by crustal uplift. The flickering water splashes and the sound fully show the beauty of the falling water.

根劈作用 1172次播放 简介>>

是发生在生物生命活动过程中的一种机械风化作用。生长在岩石裂隙中的植物,随着根系不断地长大,对裂隙壁产生挤压,使岩石裂隙扩大,从而引起岩石破坏。Root wedging process is a mechanical weathering process caused by the growth of plant. The root of the plant which grows in rock fissures keeps pushing the fissure faces and enlarging the cracks as it grows, breaking the rock into pieces.

崩塌堆积 1122次播放 简介>>

是较陡斜坡上的岩土体在重力作用下突然脱离母体崩落、滚动,最终在坡脚堆积形成的结构松散、杂乱、无层理、多孔隙的石堆。Rock masses on the steep slope suddenly break away from the mother rock, fall or roll down to the toe of the slope and form the loose, disordered, non-bedded and interspaced pile of rocks.

砂岩峰林(迷魂台) 9624次播放 简介>>

地表水和地下水沿产状平缓的石英砂岩岩层中的垂直节理侵蚀切割,伴随着地壳抬升运动及重力崩塌作用,岩体逐渐分离后退,形成陡峭独立的峰林峡谷。峰林中可见黄石寨方山,海拔1000余米,为砂岩平台切割分离形成的观景台,四周悬崖绝壁,绿树丛生。晴雨朝暮,景色各异,摄人心魂。Surface water and underground water eroded and cut down along the vertical joints in the quartz sandstone strata of gentle attitude. Crustal uplift and gravitational collapse gradually separated the rock masses and formed this valley and the forest of isolated and steep peaks. The viewing platform, which is over 1,000m above sea level, is constructed on the Yellow Stone Camp mesa formed by cutting and splitting of a sandstone platform. The cliffs and trees around compose different enchanting sceneries in different weather and at different times of a day.
