
层理及其识别 1013次播放 简介>>

层理是沉积岩中最普遍的原生构造,包括层面以及由岩层内部的成分、粒度、结构、胶结物和颜色等特征在剖面上的突变或渐变所显现出来的一种成层性。Bedding is the most common primary structure in sedimentary rocks, including bedding surface and the stratification reflected by gradual or sudden changes of rock characteristics such as composition, particle size, structure, cement and color reflected in the profile of the strata.

沉积岩层理可根据岩石的成分、结构、色调变化去识别。The bedding of sedimentary rock can be recognized by the changes of rock composition, structure and color.

天生桥(天下第一桥) 5486次播放 简介>>

石英砂岩由于地壳缓慢性间歇抬升,形成丘陵山地,在流水侵蚀、重力崩塌作用下形成峰墙。峰墙在风化作用下,下部岩层坍塌,构成凌驾于两峰之巅,气势恢宏的天然石桥,又称“天下第一桥”。Because of the slow intermittent uplift the earth’s crust, the quartz sandstone strata formed a hilly and mountainous area. Water erosion and gravitational collapse formed the peak dyke. Under the effect of weathering the lower part of the dyke collapsed, thus this magnificent natural bridge was formed.

黄家磴组 5064次播放 简介>>

黄家磴组名称来源于湖北省长阳县马鞍山黄家磴,岩石形成于3.745亿年前,为滨海浅海相碎屑沉积岩。岩性为灰绿、黄灰色砂岩、粉砂岩,底部以砂质页岩,含铁砂岩与下伏为界,产植物和腕足类化石。本组含铁砂岩对峰林地貌的形成起到减缓直接风化和流水冲刷的作用。Huangjiadeng Formation is named after the place Huangjiadeng, Maanshan, Changyang County, Hubei Province. The formation consists of a set of coastal and shallow-sea detrital sedimentary rock strata formed 374.5 million years ago. The strata is of grayish green and yellowish grey sandstone and siltstone containing plant and Brachiopoda fossils, and its bottom boundary is between the sandy shale, iron-containing sandstone and the underlying stratum. The iron-containing sandstone played the role of slowing down the weathering and water scouring during the formation of the peak forest landform.

崖壁(百丈绝壁) 8481次播放 简介>>

坚硬的厚层砂岩由于构造运动抬升,岩体垂直节理发育,在风化、流水侵蚀切割及重力崩塌作用下,形成近于垂直的峭壁。极目远眺,峰峦叠嶂,壁立万仞,耸立云端,故称百丈绝壁Tectonic movements uplifted the hard thick-bedded sandstone and caused developed vertical joints in the rock strata. Weathering, water erosion and gravitational collapse formed this nearly vertical cliff. Because this cliff is very high so the locals call it the Thousand-meter Cliff.

古河谷 2191次播放 简介>>

由于地壳上升,早期的河谷被抬升到谷坡上,形成一排台阶状地形。此处岩石地层为茅口组,开阔碳酸盐台地相沉积,岩性以浅灰色、灰白色块状纯灰岩为主。谷幽峰秀,植被繁茂,宛若世外桃源。Crustal movement lifted a river valley to the slope and formed the stair-stepping landform. The rock strata belongs to Maokou Formation, a set of sedimentary rocks of open carbonate platform facies mainly consisting of light grey and grayish white massive limestone. The quiet valley, magnificent peaks and flourishing vegetation compose a land of idyllic beauty.


泥质条带灰岩 1348次播放 简介>>

含有泥质的碳酸盐胶体沉淀形成的灰岩,由于岩性不同引起差异溶蚀,较难被溶蚀的泥质呈条带状凸现在岩石表面,故称泥质条带灰岩The limestone was formed by sedimentation of mud-containing carbonate colloid. Different lithological characters caused differential weathering, and the mud bands that are more difficult to erode protrude from the rock surface, so the rock is called mud-banded limestone.

眼球状灰岩 1174次播放 简介>>

含有泥质的碳酸盐胶体沉淀形成的灰岩,由于不同的矿物风化程度不同,较难风化的泥质呈眼球状凸现在岩石表面,故称眼球状灰岩,是二叠系栖霞组顶部的标志。The limestone was formed by sedimentation of mud-containing carbonate colloid. Different mineral compositions caused differential weathering, and the mud nodules that are more difficult to erode protrude from the rock surface, so the rock is called nodular limestone. It is the symbol of the top of Permian Qixia Formation.

岩溶作用 1168次播放 简介>>

岩溶作用是水对可溶性岩石(碳酸盐岩、硫酸盐岩、卤化物岩等)进行的以化学作用(溶解与沉淀)为主要特征,并伴随有机械作用(流水侵蚀和沉积,重力崩塌和堆积)的地质作用,又称喀斯特作用。Karstification refers to the geological process mainly characterized by chemical action (dissolution and sedimentation) of water on soluble rocks (carbonate rocks, sulphate rocks, halide rocks, etc.), along with mechanical actions (runoff erosion and sedimentation, gravitational collapse and accumulation).

线谷(一步难行 ) 1317次播放 简介>>

为岩体经构造运动抬升,在风化、侵蚀作用下形成的石峰间的狭窄裂隙,是峡谷形成的最初阶段。不足一米宽的石缝下则是万丈深渊,令人望而却步,胆战心惊,又称一步难行The rock strata was uplifted by tectonic movements, and formed this narrow gap between two peaks under the effect of weathering and erosion. It is the initial stage of the formation of a valley. Under the gap that is no wider than 1m there is a scaring bottomless chasm, so this site is called the Scaring Gap.

石墙 1404次播放 简介>>

为石英砂岩在风化作用和流水侵蚀作用下形成的墙状地貌,是经由砂岩平台进一步侵蚀演变而来。巍峨壮观,雄浑绮丽,宛如造物主铸就的天然屏障Rock wall refers to the wall-shaped landform formed by quartz sandstone platform under the effect of weathering and runoff erosion. This wall is very magnificent, like a natural barrier made by the Creator.

暗河 1019次播放 简介>>

暗河是由地下水汇集而成的地下河道,它具有一定范围的地下汇水流域,暗河只有出口,而无入口。Subsurface stream refers to the underground river formed by collection of underground water, with underground water catchment of a certain range. A subsurface stream has only outlets but no inlets.

古风化壳 1022次播放 简介>>

风化壳是岩石表层由风化作用形成的残余物质所组成的薄。此处,夹在地层中的地质历史时期形成的风化壳称为古风化壳。Weathering crust refers to the thin crust at the rock surface composed of remnant matters formed by weathering. At this site the weathering crust interlayer between the strata was formed in the geological history, thus called the ancient weathering crust.
