

为四周陡峭、顶面平缓的砂岩方山平台,是由于流水沿节理、裂隙切割、崩塌分离而形成。此寨地势险要,须经一平台和三道卡门方能到达寨顶。经过第一道卡门后有一巷谷,两壁近于直立,宽度比线谷宽。该巷谷走向近南北,长30 m,高20 m,宽1.5 m,是流水沿节理裂隙侵蚀、崩塌形成的,起初为线谷,线谷逐渐拓宽形成巷谷。到达寨顶,可观四面砂岩峰林美景。

It is a sandstone square hill platform with steep edges and nearly flat top. It is a result of water cutting along vertical joints and the sandstone falling down along the certain directions. The platform is strategically situated and difficult of access. The arrival of the top includes going through a platform and three gates. Standing on the top of the platform, one can view beautiful sandstone scenes from four directions.



