
景点的描述: 张家界“山峻、峰奇、水秀、峡幽、洞美”,具有世界上独一无二的砂岩峰林地貌组合景观的张家界砂岩峰林。 张家界地区主要成景岩石为距今3.5~4亿年前沉积形成的石英砂岩,由于地层平缓,垂直节理发育,后期经过地壳抬升,重力崩塌以及雨水冲刷等内外动力作用,形成奇特的砂岩峰林景观。 Zhangjiajie, a place of steep mountains, peculiar peaks, elegant waters, quiet valleys and beautiful caves, is characterized by the world’s unparalleled sandstone peak forest. The rocks composing the landscapes of Zhangjiajie is mainly quartz sandstone deposited and formed 350~400 million years ago. Vertical joints were well developed in the gentle strata. Later endogenic and exogenic processes such crustal uplift, gravitational collapse and water erosion, etc. gradually shaped the strata into the peculiar sandstone peak forest landform.


