为砂岩峰林地貌,经过漫长沉积胶结的岩体因地壳抬升运动形成丘陵山地,风化、侵蚀等外力作用使原来完整的砂岩山地被切割成参差并列的石峰。峰顶长有松树,似几枝倒插的毛笔,相传是向王天子兵败时丢弃的御笔所化成的山峰,故名“御笔峰”。This landscape belongs to the sandstone peak forest landform. Crustal uplift changed the sedimentary rock stratum into a hilly and mountainous area, then the sandstone was carved by exogenic processes like weathering and erosion into ragged rock pillars. With the pine trees on the top, the pillars look like some writing brushes.