

峡谷:是深度大于宽度谷坡陡峻的谷地。一般发育在构造运动抬升和谷坡由坚硬岩石组成的地段。神堂湾峡谷是石英砂岩经过漫长的流水切割、差异风化、重力崩塌等外营力作用,形成的峰林峡谷。Gorge: A gorge is a valley with steep slopes, and its depth is bigger than its width. It is generally developed in areas uplifted by tectonic movements with hard rock slopes. Shentangwan Gorge was formed by quartz sandstone under the act of long-term exogenic processes such as water cutting, differential weathering and gravitational collapse.

夷平面:是指各种夷平作用形成的陆地平面。夷平作用是外营力作用于起伏的地表,使其削高填洼逐渐变为平面的作用。张家界地区存在一级夷平面和一级剥夷面,夷平面高程为11001300m,表现为一系列波状起伏的峰顶和宽缓的谷底形成的平缓夷平面。夷平面下部保存完整的砂岩平台,组成高程为800950m剥夷面。Planation surface: It refers to a land surface formed by planation. Planation is the process that exogenic forces work on waved land surface by cutting down the higher parts and filling up the lower parts, and gradually form a plane surface. There is one planation surface and one denudation-planation surface. The planation surface, with an elevation of 1,1001,300m, consisting of a series of waved peaks and gentle valleys. Beneath the planation surface well-preserved sandstone platforms compose the denudation-planation surface with an elevation of 800950m.


