
植物绞杀现象 1051次播放 简介>>


Strangulation is a very cruel phenomenon among plants, which is similar to the law of jungle in the animal kingdom. It is common in the community of Ficus. Attached to the strangled plants, these plants grow a lot of aerial roots, which extend continuously down the trunk of the host plant, insert into the soil, and gradually grow thick branches, constantly cross and merge, then gradually wrap the host trees in a network, and desperately compete for the nutrients and sunlight of the host plant. In the end, almost all the host plants die because of insufficient nutrition.

鸳鸯石 1117次播放 简介>>


Under the action of gravity, tuffaceous conglomerate cracks along joints and fissures with flat joint (fissure) plane formed. The gravel seems be split into two pieces by immortal with a sword, like one looking for love and his lover, so it is called Yuanyang stone.

百潭瀑 1007次播放 简介>>


Baitan waterfall, located at the mouth of Baitan gorge, 260m above the sea level, is developed in the rhyolite porphyry of the Jurassic Reshuidong Formation. It is a typical landscape of a waterfall and a pool. The waterfall has a drop of 25-35m and a width of 15-20m. Its water quantity is affected by seasons, and the area of the pool below the waterfall is about 150m2.

棺材潭 1152次播放 简介>>


Guancai pool is developed in tuffaceous conglomerate of the Cretaceous Guancaohu Formation, 260m above the sea level, rectangular in shape, 25m long, 2-3m wide and 3m deep. It is formed by the water scouring along the joint and fracture plane in due east direction. Small potholes develop by the edge of the pool. According to the legend, the late emperor Zhao Bing of the Southern Song Dynasty fled to this place and ever used the water, then many people of all dynasties came to drink it one after another, to pray for a higher position and fortune, therefore, it is called Guancai (Position and wealth) pool.

崩塌体(雷劈石) 1056次播放 简介>>



Collapse is a geological phenomenon that the rock and soil masses on the steep slope suddenly break away from the mother rock under the action of gravity, fall or roll down and accumulate at the toe of slopes. The material falling at the foot of the slope is called collapse body.

There are a large number of flat joints (fissures) planes and primary sedimentary beddings in the collapse body. The huge Rolling Stones piled at the foot of the slope were tuffaceous conglomerate of Guancaohu Formation, which collapsed along joints and fissures and formed flat and neat plane, which seemed to be struck by lightning, so it is called Lightning striking stone.

崩塌体(鳄鱼石) 1090次播放 简介>>



Collapse is a geological phenomenon that the rock and soil masses on the steep slope suddenly break away from the mother rock under the action of gravity, fall or roll down and accumulate at the toe of slopes. The material falling at the foot of the slope is called collapse body.

Under the effect of exogenic processes like weathering and water erosion, the collapse body here looks like a fierce crocodile, hence the name Crocodile stone.

崩塌体(陋室) 1040次播放 简介>>



Collapse is a geological phenomenon that the rock and soil masses on the steep slope suddenly break away from the mother rock under the action of gravity, fall or roll down and accumulate at the toe of slopes. The material falling at the foot of the slope is called collapse body.

The collapse body here is tuffaceous conglomerate of the Cretaceous Guancaohu Formation, and the vertical joints and fissures are developed. Under the action of exogenic processes like weathering and water erosion, a chamber is formed with two flat walls, wide outside and narrow inside. The chamber is 2.5m high, and the widest is 1.5m wide, the narrowest is only 10cm wide. 

百潭谷 1003次播放 简介>>

百潭谷主体呈“V”形谷,峡谷最窄处约2m,最宽处达100m以上,峡谷长约2km,穿过白垩系官草湖组和侏罗系热水洞组,谷中可以清楚看到地层分界线。峡谷流水受季节影响较大,发育大大小小的壶穴,在丰水期形成一个个小潭, 故而得名“百潭谷”。

The main body of Baitan gorge is a V-shaped valley, with the narrowest part about 2m, the widest part over 100m and the gorge about 2km long. It passes through the Cretaceous Guancaohu Formation and the Jurassic Reshuidong Formation, and the stratigraphic boundary can be clearly seen in the gorge. The water in the gorge is greatly affected by seasons, and the potholes, large and small, form small pools in the wet season, hence it gets the name Baitan (A-hundred pool) gorge.

象形石(石龟) 1003次播放 简介>>


The grotesquely-shaped rock here is tuffaceous conglomerate, and joints and fissures are developed. Under the action of exogenic forces such as weathering erosion and water erosion, the two main groups of joints and fissures are weathered spherically. The protruding edges and corners of the rock are gradually weathered with smooth edges, looking like a nifty rock turtle.

月牙潭 1002次播放 简介>>



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