

百潭谷主体呈“V”形谷,峡谷最窄处约2m,最宽处达100m以上,峡谷长约2km,穿过白垩系官草湖组和侏罗系热水洞组,谷中可以清楚看到地层分界线。峡谷流水受季节影响较大,发育大大小小的壶穴,在丰水期形成一个个小潭, 故而得名“百潭谷”。

The main body of Baitan gorge is a V-shaped valley, with the narrowest part about 2m, the widest part over 100m and the gorge about 2km long. It passes through the Cretaceous Guancaohu Formation and the Jurassic Reshuidong Formation, and the stratigraphic boundary can be clearly seen in the gorge. The water in the gorge is greatly affected by seasons, and the potholes, large and small, form small pools in the wet season, hence it gets the name Baitan (A-hundred pool) gorge.


