
初识地质公园 1008次播放 简介>>
What is Geopark ?
The Geopark is distinct natural area composed of geosite landscape of a certain scale and distribution with special geological significance, rare natural attribute and higher aesthetic appreciation value, and other natural landscapes and cultural landscapes. The Geopark is not only a place for people to provide high-quality sightseeing, vacation and leisure, health care and entertainment, but also a key protected area of geosite landscape and ecological environment, a base for geological scientific research and popularization.
Why should we build the Geopark?
The establishment of Geopark is of great significance. There are three main purposes. The first is to protect geosites and environment. The second is to promote the development of science popularization and scientific research. The third is to rationally develop geosite resources and promote the sustainable development of local social economy.

(3)地质公园等级划分Geopark Classification
走进东兰国家地质公园 Entering Donglan National Geopark 1012次播放 简介>>
广西东兰国家地质公园简介 Introduction to Donglan National Geopark of Guangxi Province
Covering an area of 174.1km2, Donglan National Geopark is located in the southeast of Donglan County, Guangxi province and in the southern margin of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. It is a geopark characterized by karst landform and scattered with sandstone landform. Dotted with isolated peaks and monadnock, there are also dense karst peak clusters within the geopark. The people of Donglan County live and cultivate in karst basin surrounded by mountains. What an exquisite rural scenery! 
There developed vast scale of Tiankeng groups, a large number of karst caves (Chuangdong) within the geopark and rivers run between peaks and basins, forming a landscape of underground rivers and karst caves. Besides, there also reserved geoheritages, such as geological profiles, fossils and a large number of tectonic deformation traces, which are of great scientific value. Donglan National Geopark is also a natural science museum, where revolutionists conducted peasant revolutionary movement lectures and study in these natural karst caves. This unique red culture combines humanism and natural scenery perfectly. 
Because of its beautiful landscape, abundant tourism resources, long history and culture, Donglan National Geopark can be a paradise on earth, which integrated leisure, entertainment, health maintenance with study.
珍贵地质遗迹 Precious geoheritages 1006次播放 简介>>
东兰国家地质公园有哪些地质遗迹? What are the geoheritages in Donglan National Geopark? 
 Characterized by karst landscape, Donglan National Geopark has 42 main geoheritages, among which, 4 are of national level, 14 are provincial geoheritages and the rest 24 are sub-provincial level. All of those geoheritages are featured by large scale, large quantity, typical representativeness and high scientific value.
神奇喀斯特 Magic karst 1015次播放 简介>>
(1)什么是喀斯特?What is karst?
Karstification, is mainly the chemical corrosion of water to soluble rocks, together with other geological processes, such as water erosion, suffosionand collapse. It is also a collective name for all phenomena arising from those processes. The landforms resulting from karstification is called karst landform.

(2)喀斯特地貌的形成条件 Forming conditions of karst landform
(一)岩石具有可溶性Soluble rocks
Soluble rocks are the material base of karst landform development, mainly includes limestone, dolomite and marl, etc.
(二)岩石具有裂隙 Rocks with fractures
Flowing water mainly permeates along pores and fractures. 
Karstification is related to fractures, larger fractures cause more obvious karstification because of the better water permeability, which will lead to better developed karst landform. And this circle process can be continuously extended.
(三)水具有溶蚀能力 Water with dissolution capacity 
The dissolution capacity of water comes from carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is the combination of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. Carbon dioxide is the key element related to karst landform. 
The following chemical equations record the process of karstification: 
①H2O + CO2=H2CO3; ( formation of carbonic acid)
②H2CO3=H+ + HCO3-;(The dissociation of carbonic acid, to produce H+)
③H++CaCO3=HCO3-+Ca2+;(H+ reacts with CaCO3 to produce HCO3-,so that CaCO3 can be dissolved)
(四)水具有流动性 Water with mobility
Flowing water has better solubility, in that the carbon dioxide in flowing water can be supplied timely and only with enough carbon dioxide, dissolution can proceed smoothly. In this case the dissolution capacity of water can be strengthened. Meanwhile, the flowing water can drive the sand and gravels at the bottom of the river to erode the rock mechanically, which will contribute to intensive karstification. 
沧海桑田的变迁 Big changes 1004次播放 简介>>
东兰地区地质演化历程 Geological evolution history of Donglan region 
In and before the Permian (250 million years ago), Donglan county and its surrounding areas were in shallow marine and marine-continental transitional environment, and deposited carbonate rocks up to more than 3000m thick (mainly limestone and dolomite) and some clastic rocks (sandstone and mudstone, etc.). During the Triassic period (about 250 to 208 million years ago), filled with very thick flysch sediments (subaqueous debris flows), the marine deposition history was over and turned into the continental evolution stage. 
In the Jurassic and Neogene (208 million years ago to 2.58 million years ago), there was a large scale tectonic movement happened in this region, as a result, the very thick strata in the bottom of the sea exposed the sea to become continent and formed a lot of folds and faults, which created advantaged conditions for karst formation.
From the Quaternary ( 2.58 million years ago), there was a series of crust uplift movements happened. Structures continued developing . Under the natural agents of rainwater and creatures, there formed karst landform with widely developed karst caves, dotted with peak clusters depressions, isolated peaks and fields.
公园地质概况 Introduction to regional geology within the Geopark 1011次播放 简介>>
The Carboniferous - Triassic strata were the most widely distributed in Donglan region, with the Devonian strata outcropping sporadically. The sedimentary paleoenvironment of these strata is mainly marine facies, with some marine and continental transitional facies strata and few continental strata. The lithology is mainly carbonate rock (mainly limestone, dolomite, etc.), and a small amount of clastic rock (sandstone, mudstone, flysch, etc.).

The region is located in the middle section of front arc west wing of Guangxi epsilon- type structure, dominated by NW trending structure and convolute structure. The east-west tectonic section exposed partially. These tectonic belts and their associated structural features formed extremely complex regional structures.大规模的碳酸盐岩是形成喀斯特地貌的物质基础,各种构造面(断层、节理、层面等)为喀斯特地貌发育提供条件,湿润多雨的气候是雕琢大地的一双巧手。
Large-scale carbonate rocks are the material basis of the formation of karst landform. All kinds of structure planes (fault, joint, stratum, etc.) provide conditions for karst landscape development. The humid and rainy climate caves the earth.
神奇列宁岩Miraculous Lenin rock 1006次播放 简介>>
Lenin rock is a natural karst cave, the cave of which is 43 m high, 64 m wide and 137 m deep. The lithology of the mountain where Lenin rock lies is soluble carbonate rocks, mainly consisting of limestone. This karst cave is formed by long-term corrosion from the underground water along rock fractures and the collapse caused by it. The stratum is near horizontal, and the cave roof collapses along the stratum, then formed the flat roof. There developed stone pillars, stalactites, stalagmites, curtains, rimstone dams and other cave deposits in the cave. Because of the phototaxis of creatures on the surface of the stalactite, the lower part of the stalactite at the mouth of the cave bends toward the cave mouth, which is called phototropism.. The plant vegetation in the cave or at the cave mouth presents phototaxis, grows toward the cave mouth as a whole. Besides, there are also a lot of collapse deposit, caused by the collapse of the cave wall and its roof. Small folds and faults can be seen on the cave wall.
奇妙的天宝山穿洞 Wonderful Tianbaoshan karst cave 1005次播放 简介>>
The Tianbaoshan karst cave is located in the center of the mountain. the cave mouth from the front is approximately square, the side of which is about 20 m long. The lithology of this karst cave is carbonate rock, formed by further corrosion and collapse of the earlier karst caves, and later crust uplift. With the north higher than the south, the top of the cave is flat and the bottom inclines. There are stalactites in the north side of the cave mouth, which grow toward the light. There are collapse deposits at the bottom of the cave, causing by the collapse of the cave wall and the cave roof.  There also grows vegetation in the cave. And there is a part of underground river in Tianbaoshan, from the front side, its water inlet of which can be seen.
壮观的坡锐天坑Spectacular Porui Tiankeng 1005次播放 简介>>
坡锐天坑位于泗孟田园东面不到两公里的峰丛之中,是东兰天坑群的典型代表。洞口直径约90余米,洞深422m,是由地下溶洞顶部经多次坍塌直至裸露出地面而形成的深井状或桶状负地貌,为目前国内已知深度最深天坑第四名。天坑底部有伏流发育,且有崩塌物堆积。山体上部发育一小型溶洞,溶洞另一端与天坑相连,在洞口可听见天坑坠石的声音。 Porui Tiankeng, located in the peak cluster which is less than 2 kmfrom the east of Simeng Field, is a typical representative of the Tiankeng group in Donglan. The mouth of the cave is about 90 m in diameter and 422 m deep. Ranked as the fourth deepest cave in China so far, it is formed by repeated collapse of the top of underground karst caves and then exposed to form a landscape shaped like a deep well or bucket. At the bottom of the Tiankeng, there are underground river and collapse deposits .A small karst cave is developed at the top of the mountain. The other side of the cave is connected with Tiankeng, and from the mouth of the cave, the sound of falling stone in Tiankeng can be heard.
珍贵的兰木组剖面 Precious Lanmu formation profile 1010次播放 简介>>
The standard profile of Lanmu formation, named by Lu Zhongqiu and others from the former Guangxi Petroleum Census Group in 1961, is located in Lanmu area of Donglan National Geopark, the lithology of which is fine sandstone, siltstone interbedded with mudstone, flysch, flyschoid cyclothem, with complex sedimentary structure, and various incomplete Baoma Sequences, bottom cast structure and flow deformation structure are common. Rich in ammonites, hornstones and bivalves and other biological fossils. The discovery of the Lanmu formation provides important evidence for interpreting the Devonian – Triassic lithofacies paleogeography pattern and the formation & extinction time of carbonate rocks in Northwest Guangxi.
东兰烈士陵园 1216次播放 fin 简介>>
韦拔群纪念馆 1093次播放 启帆 简介>>


韦拔群纪念馆位于东兰县烈士陵园内,于2009年11月建成开馆,占地30亩,建筑面积约7200平方米。纪念馆长129米,宽71米,高28米,共三层。馆内陈列布展一个序厅和八个展厅,展览面积达3500平方米,共陈列布展文物史料1000多件。展厅通过大量的图片、文字资料展览,充分运用声、光、电、多媒体、幻影成像、壁画、雕塑、油画、场景复原等手段再现历史真实场面,清晰详细地介绍了韦拔群一生的革命斗争历史及为党为人民所作出的牺牲和贡献,再现邓小平、张云逸、韦拔群等革命领导人领导左右江革命的丰功伟绩,展示革命先烈抛头颅、洒热血,冲锋陷阵、英勇奋斗,用生命和鲜血谱写民族民主革命的壮丽篇章。2010年被列为“广西壮族自治区爱国主义教育基地”; 2012年被列为“国家国防教育示范基地”。
