景点的名称:神奇列宁岩Miraculous Lenin rock

景点的描述: 列宁岩是一个天然的岩溶洞穴,洞口高43m,宽64m,洞深137m。列宁岩所在山体岩性为以灰岩为主的可溶性碳酸盐岩,溶洞由具有溶蚀性的地下水沿岩石裂隙长期溶蚀及其引起的崩塌形成。地层产状近水平,洞顶沿层面发生坍塌,故形成平坦的洞顶。洞内发育有石柱、石钟乳、石笋、石幔及边石坝等洞穴沉积物,洞口石钟乳下部朝洞口外弯曲生长,呈现出向光性,是由于附着在石钟乳表面的生物趋光生长所致。洞口及洞内的植被也呈现出向光性,整体向洞口外弯曲生长。此外,洞内边部有大量崩塌堆积体,是洞顶洞壁发生坍塌所致。洞内岩壁上可见小型褶皱及断裂构造。
Lenin rock is a natural karst cave, the cave of which is 43 m high, 64 m wide and 137 m deep. The lithology of the mountain where Lenin rock lies is soluble carbonate rocks, mainly consisting of limestone. This karst cave is formed by long-term corrosion from the underground water along rock fractures and the collapse caused by it. The stratum is near horizontal, and the cave roof collapses along the stratum, then formed the flat roof. There developed stone pillars, stalactites, stalagmites, curtains, rimstone dams and other cave deposits in the cave. Because of the phototaxis of creatures on the surface of the stalactite, the lower part of the stalactite at the mouth of the cave bends toward the cave mouth, which is called phototropism.. The plant vegetation in the cave or at the cave mouth presents phototaxis, grows toward the cave mouth as a whole. Besides, there are also a lot of collapse deposit, caused by the collapse of the cave wall and its roof. Small folds and faults can be seen on the cave wall.


