景点的名称:沧海桑田的变迁 Big changes

景点的描述: 东兰地区地质演化历程 Geological evolution history of Donglan region 
In and before the Permian (250 million years ago), Donglan county and its surrounding areas were in shallow marine and marine-continental transitional environment, and deposited carbonate rocks up to more than 3000m thick (mainly limestone and dolomite) and some clastic rocks (sandstone and mudstone, etc.). During the Triassic period (about 250 to 208 million years ago), filled with very thick flysch sediments (subaqueous debris flows), the marine deposition history was over and turned into the continental evolution stage. 
In the Jurassic and Neogene (208 million years ago to 2.58 million years ago), there was a large scale tectonic movement happened in this region, as a result, the very thick strata in the bottom of the sea exposed the sea to become continent and formed a lot of folds and faults, which created advantaged conditions for karst formation.
From the Quaternary ( 2.58 million years ago), there was a series of crust uplift movements happened. Structures continued developing . Under the natural agents of rainwater and creatures, there formed karst landform with widely developed karst caves, dotted with peak clusters depressions, isolated peaks and fields.


