
祥荷乡韵Xianghe Xiangyun Scenic Area 1141次播放 简介>>

祥荷乡韵景区位于鹿寨县中渡镇石祥屯、塘藕屯,总面积 18000 亩,核心规划面积 3000 亩,目前已经种植太空莲一千多亩,同时引进台湾九品香莲、茶用皇菊、食用菊花、食用玫瑰等花卉进行种植,是鹿寨县重要的农业旅游示范基地。祥荷乡韵景区位于中渡至香桥的黄金旅游线上,每年荷花盛开的时节都吸引成千上万的游客前来赏花观光。祥荷乡韵依托石祥屯现有特色资源开展荷田养鱼、荷--油示范,配套建设观景台、农业科技培训中心、农耕文化馆、农业科普教育亲子体验乐园。并开发荷花展示、荷花休闲、荷花餐饮、荷花科普、荷花主题住宿等系列旅游产品构建融展示、休闲、科普、住宿、养生对景区环境进行景观升级,以旅游带动农业,以农业促进旅游发展,真正实现农业+旅游模式。

Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area is located in shixiangtun and tangoutun of Zhongdu Town, Luzhai County , with a total area of 18000 mu and a core planning area of 3000 mu.At present, more than 1000 mu of space lotus have been planted. At the same time, the Taiwan ninth lotus, tea with chrysanthemum, edible chrysanthemum, edible roses and other flowers have been introduced and planted. It is an important demonstration base of agricultural tourism in Luzhai county.Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area is located on the golden tourist line from Zhongdu to Xiangqiao. Every year when the lotuses are in full bloom, it attracts thousands of tourists to come and see the flowers.Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area relies on the existing special resources of shixiangtun to carry out the fish farming, lotus-Rice-oil demonstration, supporting construction of observation platform, agricultural science and technology training center, farming culture museum and agricultural science education parent-child experience paradise.A series of tourism products, such as lotus flower display, lotus leisure, lotus food and beverage, lotus flower science and lotus theme lodging, are developed to upgrade the landscape of scenic spots, so as to promote agriculture by tourism, and to promote the development of tourism in agriculture, and to realize the model of agriculture and tourism.


山楂之恋景区 1029次播放 简介>>



祥荷乡韵游客中心Tourist center 1100次播放 简介>>

游客中心位于祥荷乡韵景区入口处,毗邻洛江河畔,占地约1000平米,建筑面积约1200平米,主要为游客提供宣传推介、讲解服务、集散换乘、咨询投诉、购物、医务服务、监控监管等服务内容。在游客中心旁景区入口处石祥大桥旁可观赏到洛江河中盛开的海菜花。The tourist center is located at the entrance to the Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area. It is adjacent to the Luojiang river. It covers about 1000 square meters and the building area is about 1200 square meters. It mainly provides a rang of services for visitors ,such as publicity and introduction, explanation service, distribution and transfer, consultation and complaint, shopping, medical service, supervision and supervision.You can see seaweed flowers blooming in the Luojiang river near the Shixiang bridge at the entrance of the tourist center.


大果山楂 1039次播放 简介>>


香桥岩溶天生桥 1097次播放 切丝儿 简介>>
两壁留有古河道痕迹,如波痕、涡穴等,洞壁和洞顶均有钟乳石发育,河底有坠落的钟乳石堆积,阻挡河水形成急流,产生轰鸣声,更显得香桥的雄伟。因其长宽比例适中,且能与周围的景色完美的融合,故而被誉称为中国最具观赏价值的水上天生桥,被岩溶学家作为典范收录进《岩溶学词典》(1988 年地质出版社出版)中。
一方保障One side guarantee 1047次播放 简介>>


The stone inscription of "one side guarantee" is located on the Tongpenshan in Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area, Zhongdu Town, Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province. It was carved during the Wanli Period (1574) of the Ming Dynasty.It is 4.5 meters long and 2.5 meters high, with four characters "one side guarantee"  on the upper side and four words "one side guarantee"  on the left side. There is no title and signature on the stone inscription, so we do not know who wrote it.The inscription recorded the first year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, 1573, the uprising of the Yao people in Huaiyuan had been suppressed. Then they moved to the army, such as Luo Rong, Liucheng, Yongning, Yongfu, Yangshuo and other places ,to repress the peasant uprising in the two years of Wanli. Through the clouds and smokes of history and through the time tunnel, we seem to see that the Yao people revolted against the bloody rule of the Ming Dynasty.The words are much more vilified, but it is still evident mark that the peasant uprising was resolute and heroic.The stone inscription is of high military value. After more than 400 years, most of the inscriptions are still legible.It has become the key protection cultural relic at the county level.


龙母大果山楂种植基地 1025次播放 简介>>


蜘蛛洞天生桥 1036次播放 切丝儿 简介>>
农耕馆Farming pavilion 1035次播放 简介>>


 Farming pavilion building area of 128 square meters, is a show and the best place to experience of agricultural history, farming culture, the main exhibition hall of the local villagers to grow and develop the organic agricultural products, on the left side of the exhibition hall to show local colter, valley barrels and other agricultural production equipment, stone mill is shown on the right side of the exhibition hall, such as bamboo weaving dustpan life appliance. The farming culture can not only see the local agricultural development process through these old farming equipment and living equipment, but also experience these farming equipment personally. In the experience, you can feel the joy and hardship of farming life, which is the best place for educating teenagers to understand the farming history and culture.


龙母阁 1010次播放 简介>>


月亮山穿洞 1029次播放 切丝儿 简介>>



京观The Jingguan 1070次播放 简介>>

“京观”石刻位于广西柳州市鹿寨县中渡镇祥荷乡韵景区鳌鱼山头,原址在广西柳州市鹿寨县中渡镇西郊山麓,即如今的朝阳村山脚屯。明朝万历年(1575年),统治者镇压中渡、平山一带的农民起义军后,在一块重约70吨的巨石中刻“京观”二字,右刻“平定洛斗下半团叛乱,斩首五百余级”,左刻“万历三年七月书”,想借此石刻来威胁恐吓群众。碑文中的“洛斗下”即现今的平山镇一带。此石于七十年代“农业学大寨”时取石修水利而毁。2005年,鹿寨县文化部门重新修复于旧县村鳌鱼山头。The stone carving of "Jingguan" is located in the top of turtle fishing at Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area in Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi. The original site is located in the foothills of the west suburb of the town of Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi. Namely, it is today's Mountain foot tun in Chaoyang Village .In the Ming Dynasty Wanli year (1575), the rulers suppressed the peasant uprising army at the Zhongdu town and Pingshan .Then they carved the two words of "Jingguan" in a huge stone of about 70 tons. The right engraved "the pacification about league rebellion  of the lower half and the beheading more than five hundred", and the left engraved "Written in July, three years of Wanli".They could threaten the masses by taking this stone carving.The right inscription is now in the area of Pingshan Town.The stone was destroyed by irrigation works in 70s when it was "agronomics Dazhai". In 2005, the Cultural Department of Luzhai county rebuilt at the top of the turtle fishing  hill in the old county village.

