景点的名称:祥荷乡韵Xianghe Xiangyun Scenic Area


祥荷乡韵景区位于鹿寨县中渡镇石祥屯、塘藕屯,总面积 18000 亩,核心规划面积 3000 亩,目前已经种植太空莲一千多亩,同时引进台湾九品香莲、茶用皇菊、食用菊花、食用玫瑰等花卉进行种植,是鹿寨县重要的农业旅游示范基地。祥荷乡韵景区位于中渡至香桥的黄金旅游线上,每年荷花盛开的时节都吸引成千上万的游客前来赏花观光。祥荷乡韵依托石祥屯现有特色资源开展荷田养鱼、荷--油示范,配套建设观景台、农业科技培训中心、农耕文化馆、农业科普教育亲子体验乐园。并开发荷花展示、荷花休闲、荷花餐饮、荷花科普、荷花主题住宿等系列旅游产品构建融展示、休闲、科普、住宿、养生对景区环境进行景观升级,以旅游带动农业,以农业促进旅游发展,真正实现农业+旅游模式。

Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area is located in shixiangtun and tangoutun of Zhongdu Town, Luzhai County , with a total area of 18000 mu and a core planning area of 3000 mu.At present, more than 1000 mu of space lotus have been planted. At the same time, the Taiwan ninth lotus, tea with chrysanthemum, edible chrysanthemum, edible roses and other flowers have been introduced and planted. It is an important demonstration base of agricultural tourism in Luzhai county.Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area is located on the golden tourist line from Zhongdu to Xiangqiao. Every year when the lotuses are in full bloom, it attracts thousands of tourists to come and see the flowers.Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area relies on the existing special resources of shixiangtun to carry out the fish farming, lotus-Rice-oil demonstration, supporting construction of observation platform, agricultural science and technology training center, farming culture museum and agricultural science education parent-child experience paradise.A series of tourism products, such as lotus flower display, lotus leisure, lotus food and beverage, lotus flower science and lotus theme lodging, are developed to upgrade the landscape of scenic spots, so as to promote agriculture by tourism, and to promote the development of tourism in agriculture, and to realize the model of agriculture and tourism.



