景点的名称:京观The Jingguan


“京观”石刻位于广西柳州市鹿寨县中渡镇祥荷乡韵景区鳌鱼山头,原址在广西柳州市鹿寨县中渡镇西郊山麓,即如今的朝阳村山脚屯。明朝万历年(1575年),统治者镇压中渡、平山一带的农民起义军后,在一块重约70吨的巨石中刻“京观”二字,右刻“平定洛斗下半团叛乱,斩首五百余级”,左刻“万历三年七月书”,想借此石刻来威胁恐吓群众。碑文中的“洛斗下”即现今的平山镇一带。此石于七十年代“农业学大寨”时取石修水利而毁。2005年,鹿寨县文化部门重新修复于旧县村鳌鱼山头。The stone carving of "Jingguan" is located in the top of turtle fishing at Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area in Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi. The original site is located in the foothills of the west suburb of the town of Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi. Namely, it is today's Mountain foot tun in Chaoyang Village .In the Ming Dynasty Wanli year (1575), the rulers suppressed the peasant uprising army at the Zhongdu town and Pingshan .Then they carved the two words of "Jingguan" in a huge stone of about 70 tons. The right engraved "the pacification about league rebellion  of the lower half and the beheading more than five hundred", and the left engraved "Written in July, three years of Wanli".They could threaten the masses by taking this stone carving.The right inscription is now in the area of Pingshan Town.The stone was destroyed by irrigation works in 70s when it was "agronomics Dazhai". In 2005, the Cultural Department of Luzhai county rebuilt at the top of the turtle fishing  hill in the old county village.



