
巨晶花岗岩 1000次播放 简介>>

分布于古田镇、红豆杉园和罗胜一带的花岗岩,形成于距今约2.20亿年前的三叠纪时代。这种花岗岩的特点是岩石由长石、石英、角闪石、黑云母以及榍石等粗矿物颗粒构成,并发育有长度在 3-5 厘米、甚至达10厘米以上的钾长石巨晶。

The granite distributed on the outskirts of the Gutian Town, Chinese Yew Park and the region around Luosheng Village was formed in the Triassic Period about 220 million years ago. The granite is characterized by feldspar, quartz, hornblende, biotite, sphene and other coarse mineral particles, and contains K-feldspar megacrysts with a length of 3-5cm or even more than 10cm.

花岗岩石蛋地貌(球状风化) 1000次播放 简介>>


After the surface weathering products are peeled off, the weathering residuals are mostly spherical, so it is called the "Spherical stone landform". Due to its sandy nature and easiness to be eroded by evacuation, serious water and soil loss can easily take place on the granite hillside and gullies along the joints were often developed.

冠豸山 1000次播放 简介>>



Guanzhaishan Mountain is named after its main peak, which resembles the crown worn by the ancient imperial censor (judge), and conveys the idea of integrity and uprightness. It is a typical Danxia Landform in its prime time, which is characterized by monoclinic peak clusters and dense stone walls. Shimenhu lake, Jiulonghu lake and the mountains in the area add to each other’s splendor, forming a beautiful lake and mountain scenery.

The unique geographical location and beautiful natural scenery make it an ideal place for the early Hakka people to choose their home. The Guanzhaishan Academies and the Zhu’anzhai Ancient House Site are the Hakka cultural heritage.

黄连盂大绝壁 1000次播放 简介>>


The NE-trending Huanglianyu Precipice is located at the east part of the main peak of Huanglianyu Mountain. It is composed of sandstone and sandy conglomerate, with a length of about 5000 meters and a height difference of about 500 meters, forming a magnificent cliff landscape. According to the field investigation by geologists, the formation of the cliff is mainly limited by the joints distributed in the NE direction, and the main driving force of the formation is water erosion and gravity collapse.

“江山睡美人”(砂岩峰丛) 1000次播放 简介>>


The "Sleeping Beauty" is a pictographic peak composed of quartzose sandstone, which is the most famous landscape of Huanglianyu Mountain. From the viewing platform of Shantang Village, the outline of the distant ridge line is just like a natural beauty with vivid image.

“千米屏障”(绝壁) 1000次播放 简介>>


At the bottom of Jiangshan Valley is a winding Tongboxi Creek. The cliff on one side of the valley is over 1000 meters in length, with a relative height difference of more than 300 meters, and a gradient of more than 80 degrees, just like a "natural barrier". According to the field investigation of geologists, the distribution of this "natural barrier" is mainly limited by the joints developed in the rock, and its formation is the common result of weathering and erosion, water erosion and gravity collapse.

江山大峡谷 1000次播放 简介>>


Jiangshan Valley is the core tourist route of Jiangshan scenic spot. The valley is about 8km in length and a height difference of about 300m. It goes along the north-west trend. The mountain wind, transparent stream, waterfalls and ancient trees in the Jiangshan Valley add radiance and beauty to each other, and there are also "1000-meter Screen Cliff", "Jiang Taigong Fishing", Echoing Steps and other landscapes, which constitutes a harmonious and natural picture.

中国虎园 1000次播放 简介>>


It is located in Buyun Town, Shanghang County, next to the Meihuashan Nature Reserve, with an altitude of 1250m. The park covers an area of 4794 mu and the buffer area is 2522 mu. The park was built under the South China Tiger Rescue Project sponsored by Longyan Municipal Government in August 2000. It focuses on the artificial breeding, semi wild to wild breeding, conservation biology and genetics research of South China tiger. It is a multi-functional forest animal and plant garden integrating scientific research, education and eco-tourism.

龙岩地质公园的“植物大熊猫”——南方红豆杉 1000次播放 简介>>





南方红豆杉被誉为“植物大熊猫”其中一个原因就是它“全身都是宝”,其材质坚硬, 水湿不腐,是建筑和家具等行业的优良用材;此外,作为常绿乔木,它素有“美丽红豆杉”之称,是美化城乡园林的绿化树种;据报道,红豆杉植物体有可能用于制造生物农药……当然,最值得一提的是它的抗癌作用,南方红豆杉的树皮,根部、枝叶,含有一种名叫紫杉醇的化合物,被国际公认为最有潜力的抗癌新药, 特别对转移性卵巢癌、 乳腺癌和非小细胞肺癌等癌症,其药用价值极高。

