

分布于古田镇、红豆杉园和罗胜一带的花岗岩,形成于距今约2.20亿年前的三叠纪时代。这种花岗岩的特点是岩石由长石、石英、角闪石、黑云母以及榍石等粗矿物颗粒构成,并发育有长度在 3-5 厘米、甚至达10厘米以上的钾长石巨晶。

The granite distributed on the outskirts of the Gutian Town, Chinese Yew Park and the region around Luosheng Village was formed in the Triassic Period about 220 million years ago. The granite is characterized by feldspar, quartz, hornblende, biotite, sphene and other coarse mineral particles, and contains K-feldspar megacrysts with a length of 3-5cm or even more than 10cm.


