
汉江 1001次播放 简介>>


①Han River

The Han River is located between the Yangzte River and the Yellow River, it is the longest tributary of the Yangzte River and originates from Ningqiang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province. It is the link of the south and north China, with Yangzte River, Huai River and Yellow River are knowned as “JiangHuaiHeHan”. Han River passes through the Qinling Mountains, Bashan Mountains, Wudang Mountains, Hanzhong and Jianghan Plains, with a total length of 1577km and a length of 920km in Hubei Province. Han River is an important part of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project owe to fine water quality. As a major commercial town, the development of Hankou mainly depends on the Han River.
长江之上的“微笑天使”——长江江豚 1001次播放 简介>>

长江江豚(学名:Neophocaena asiaeorientalis):俗称“江猪”,曾经是窄脊江豚的指名亚种,2013年列入《世界自然保护联盟》(IUCN) 红色名录极危物种,2018年4月11日被升级为独立物种,被称为“水中大熊猫”。目前,长江江豚的种群数量仅有1000余头,在另一种生活于长江的水生哺乳动物白鱀(jì)豚被宣布为“功能性灭绝”之后,江豚成立长江中仅存的淡水哺乳动物。长江江豚浑圆的吻部,让他的面部看起来总是挂着一抹憨态可掬的“微笑”,为他们赢得了“微笑天使”的称呼,以及众多的粉丝。

②Smiling Angel--- Neophocaena asiaeorientalis

   Neophocaena asiaeorientalis also as known as “River Pig”, it was listed as a critically endangered species on the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2013.It was considered to be as important as panda and upgraded to an independent species on April 11, 2018. There are only about 1000 Neophocaena asiaeorientalis left in the Yangzte River. The Neophocaena asiaeorientalis is the last remaining freshwater mammal in the Yangtze River after the Lipotes vexillifer was declared functionally extinct. Their snouts look like smiling, so people called them Smiling Angel, and they have many fans.
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③Han Embroidery

Han Embroidery is one of the Chinese traditional embroidery techniques. On June 7, 2008, Han Embroidery was listed in the second batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage list. It is based on Chu Embroidery, combining the specialties of northern and southern embroidery, finally, a new embroidery technology with distinct local characteristics was created. From the mid-Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period, the embroidery products of Chu State had been exported to the Siberian, and its silk industry was enough to represent the highest level of China's silk technology in the mid-Spring and Autumn Period, and Han Embroidery reached its heyday in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

Han Embroidery uses a lot of stitches, is characterized by distinct layers, strong contrast and neat edge. Embroidery products is starting from the outside to the inner, finally covered with the surface. Apart from the basic stitch, according to the different texture and pattern of embroidery products, Han Embroidery uses different stitches flexibly, making the works more perfect.