从冠豸山到九龙湖连绵十余里,分布了几十座单面山,其上发育了大量的柱状、墙状、堡状山峰,典型的有 “情侣岩”、“尖锥峰”、“回望中原”、“神女峰”、“马头石山”等,群峰峥嵘,气势磅礴,与文川溪交相辉映,堪称“十里画屏”。
Dozens of cuestas are scattered along over ten miles from the Guanzhaishan to the Jiulonghu lake, where a large number of rock pillar, rock wall and stone castle, such as the “Lovers Rock”, the “Cone Peak”, the “Huiwangzhongyuan Peak”, the “Goddess Peak” and the “Matoushi Mountain” are developed. The peaks are grand and magnificent, making a "Ten-mile Painted Screen".