

紫金山位于龙岩地质公园的西南部,由花岗岩与火山岩构成。紫金山铜金矿床形成于约1亿年前的火山隐爆角砾岩中,是世界级高硫化浅成低温热液金属矿床。金矿体形成于上部的氧化带岩层中,在下部的原生带岩层中形成铜矿体。这种上金下铜的成矿模式,被形象的比喻为铜娃娃戴了个金帽子它的发现是中国铜金矿勘探史上的一次重大突破,为国内外寻找铜金矿床提供了借鉴模式。1996 年荣获国家科技进步一等奖,2008年荣膺“中国第一大金矿”。

紫金山金铜矿坚持绿色发展的理念:既要金山铜山,更要绿水青山!一系列矿山复垦和旅游项目的建设,延伸了矿山的产业链,成为全国首批“国家矿山公园”、“矿产资源综合利用示范基地”和 “国家级绿色矿山试点单位”。

Zijinshan Mountain, located in the southwest of Longyan Geopark, is composed of granite and volcanic rock. Zijinshan Copper-Gold Deposit was formed in the volcanic cryptoexplosive breccia about 100 million years ago. It is a world-class high-sulfur epithermal deposit. The gold ore body is formed in the upper oxidation zone and the copper ore body in the lower primary zone. This metallogenic model of "gold up and copper down" is figuratively described as "the copper doll with a gold hat". Its discovery is a major breakthrough in the history of copper and gold exploration in China, and provides a reference model for the exploration of copper and gold deposits at home and abroad. It won the first prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award in 1996 and the prize of "China's Largest Gold Mine" in 2008.

Zijinshan Gold & Copper Mine adheres to the concept of green development: we give priority not only to productivity and profits, but also to our natural environment! The development of mine reclamation and industrial tourism projects has extended the industrial chain of the mine, becoming the member of the first batch of "National Mine Park", the "Demonstration Base of the Mineral Resources Comprehensive Utilization " and the "National Green Mine Pilot Unit".


