

黄连盂主峰海拔 1807m,为闽西第二高峰。构成山体的岩石为砂砾岩、砂岩,质地坚硬。受山体抬升及断裂控制,经流水侵蚀风化剥蚀、重力崩塌等作用,发育了单面山、崖壁、峡谷等地貌。著名的景观有伟人峰江山睡美人黄连盂大绝壁等。风光美不胜收,令人心驰神往。

The main peak of Huanglianyu Mountain is 1807m above sea level, which is the second peak in Western Fujian. The rock forming the mountain body is sandy conglomerate and sandstone with hard texture. Under the control of mountain uplift and fracture, the cuesta, precipice, canyon and other landforms are developed under the action of water erosion, weathering and denudation and gravity collapse. Famous landscapes like the "Great Man Peak", the "Sleeping Beauty" and the Huanglianyu Precipice are all fascinating sceneries.


