

平治河峡谷即岩溶峡谷,是新构造运动抬升和水流强烈侵蚀、溶蚀和崩塌作用形成的谷地,峡谷长约2.5 km,宽约110 m。峡谷底部为缓缓流淌的平治河,河流受季节影响明显,丰水期时河水深度可达6m,枯水期时则可能会断流。峡谷两侧及河床植被发育,风光秀丽,有白鹭漫步其中,宛若一幅优美的自然画卷。

Pingzhi river canyon is a karst canyon formed by the neotectonic movements like uplift, strong water erosion, dissolution and collapse. The canyon is 2.5 km long and 110 m wide. Pingzhi river flows through the bottom of the canyon. It is affected by the seasons appreciably that it can reach 6m during the wet season while it may be cut off during the dry season. Vegetation on both sides of the canyon and the riverbed is developed, and the scenery is beautiful. There are egrets strolling among the river, just like a beautiful natural picture.


