



(1) What is Karst?

Karst refers to the phenomena caused by geological processes such as the dissolution of soluble rocks by chemical dissolution, the erosion of sedimentary water, and mechanical actions like collapse. The landform formed by karst is called karst landform. The “karst” was originally the name of the limestone plateau on the Istrian peninsula in the northwest of Yugoslavia, where there is a typical karst landform.


(2) The Formation Conditions of Karst Landform


Rock has solubility.


Soluble rock is the material basis for the formation of karst landform. The soluble rocks within the Geopark are mainly limestone, dolomite and marlstone.


Rock has fissures.


Rocks have certain pores and fissures which are the main channels for infiltration of running water. The greater the fissures are, the stronger the permeability of the rock is. The more obvious the dissolution is, the more complete the development of karst landform is. And then a continuously expanding circulation network is formed.


Water has the capacity for dissolution.


Dissolution of water depends on the carbonic acid formed by combination of water with carbon dioxide which is the hero of the formation of karst landform.


The following chemical equations reflect the progress of karst:

①        H2O + CO2=H2CO3;(形成碳酸)(Formation of carbonic acid)

② H2CO3=H+ + HCO3;(碳酸离解生成H+)(H+ is formed by the dissociation of carbonic acid)

③ H++CaCO3=HCO3+Ca2+;(H+与CaCO3反应生成HCO3,从而使CaCO3溶解)(The reaction of H+ with calcite generates bicarbonate, leading to the dissolution of calcite)


Water has fluidity.


The flowing water is more corrosive. Due to the replenishment of carbon dioxide timely, the dissolution of water can proceed smoothly and the dissolution ability can be consolidated and strengthened. At the same time, the flowing water drives the river bottom gravels to mechanically erode the rocks, which is more conducive to the deepening of the karst.


