景点的名称:望莲亭At the lotus pavilion


从望莲亭上能将祥荷乡韵的美景尽收眼底,是赏荷花的最佳观赏点,在中国传统文化中荷花代表着吉祥如意,也称为莲花或者芙蓉,周敦颐赞莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,将莲花作为清白、高洁的象征。每年6月初夏是荷花绽放的季节,连天的荷塘、白墙灰瓦的别致小楼与远处的青山浑然一体,形成了一幅“接天连叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的绝美景色,荷在山间,在飘渺的云雾里,在你心灵的最深处,祥荷乡韵为你盛开着十里荷色灼灼。It is the best place to enjoy the beautiful scenery of xiang he xiang rhyme from wanglian pavilion.In traditional Chinese culture, lotus flowers represent good luck, also known as lotus or furong. Zhou dunyi admires the lotus from the silt without stain, and the lotus flowers are clean and elegant. Early summer is the season of lotus flowers bloom in June every year, even the lotus pond, white wall tiles chic in the building and the green hills in the distance one integrated mass, forming a "next day even leaves endless blue, video on lotus another red" the beautiful scenery, lotus in the mountains, and in the ethereal cloud, in your heart most deep place, auspicious lotus tungs of hometown blooming li lotus color words for you.



