九华山地质公园内自1980年起全面封山育林,严禁砍伐、采挖植物,除毛竹允许间伐外,经济林全部用为风景保护林。当前公园植被覆盖率85.2%,有植物1528种。 九华山植被受海拔变化的影响,垂直分带明显(图示)。您所处海拔为175米,周边植被是以苦槠、青冈、马尾松等植物为主的次生针阔混交林,林内有野猪、雉鸡等野生动物出没。
Vegetation of Jiuhuashan Geopark
The plant vegetation covers 85.2 % of the Jiuhuashan area and owns 1,528 plant species identified, which benefits by completely closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation, and strictly prohibiting felling, digging, cutting down plants in Jiuhuashan Geopark since 1980. Except for intermediate cutting bamboo forests, all of economic forests have been used for the protected scenery forest. Because of altitude effect, the vertical pattern of plant vegetation exists in the Jiuhuashan Geopark. At a site of 175m altitude where you stand, the plant vegetation is secondary broadleaf-conifer mixed forest. It mainly consists of Castanopsis sclerophylla, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Pinus massoniana and etc; and live many wild animals here, such as Sus scrofa and Phasianus colchicus.