

石峰呈方柱状,棱角分明,且壁面相互垂直,构景岩层为中泥盆纪云台观组石英砂岩(D2y),是在两组垂直的节理控制下因流水垂直侵蚀、崩塌以及风化等作用形成的。峰柱是方山平台向峰丛、峰林演化的过渡阶段。The stone peak is a square rock column with clear corner angles. And the walls are perpendicular to each other.The rock stratum is quartz sandstone of Yuntai-guan Formation of Devonian system. It is formed by the control of two sets of joints perpendicular to each other. It represents the transitional stage between the mesa plain to the peak forest.


